Friday, March 9, 2012



Matthew 7:13-14

The Message “Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention.”

Brad ran to the end-zone marker during recess from 5th grade. His classmate, Jeremy, threw the football, then sighed, “Sorry, Brad.”

Brad yelled, “Jeremy! What are you doing? My route was to go inside, then to the goal. You threw the ball 10 yards short!”

Jeremy could be having a bad day, or just be slightly“off” right now. No matter his excuse, the devotion, God is the One, showed his attitude of slacking off these recess skill drills because he figured he’d make the team, no sweat. Brad stays focused, admitting that he takes nothing for granted. During tryouts this summer, they both could just as easily be cut from the team, as promoted to starting positions.

The “anything goes” lifestyle leads to ultimate eternal death. Unlimited freedom without restrictions declares that everything is OK. It promises hope, satisfaction, and fulfillment, but always ends in despair. The easy path is where people drift to because it’s a no-brainer—literally! It’s deadly. It descends to darkness rather than ascending to light. It’s a path without God!

Tolerance lectures acceptance for same-sex partners. “Separation of church and state” labels wishing someone a “Merry Christmas” is now politically incorrect. The acceptance path—where most people travel, because everything is OK—challenges Biblical truth. The narrow road is harder because its entrance is guarded by God’s truth.

Jeremy, ten-hut! The harder road of faith leads to a relationship with Jesus, peace and joy. This narrow road is padded with protection (John 17:11). Paying attention to God’s truth is harder than “going with the flow” of how the world pushes freedom, but it’s worth the effort.

“Come on, Jerm” Brad said, throwing his arm around Jeremy’s shoulder. “Are we serious about starting positions on the football team, or not? We gotta get serious, man!”

“You’re right, Brad. I am sorry for slacking off. I promise to be serious from now on.”

That’s the spirit! Let’s all stop slacking off. Ten-hut!

Take Home Nugget

The opening Scripture says that living on purpose is essential for victory. Jesus warns believers to deliberately choose the narrow road of life. If people label you a "narrow-minded Christian” because you disagree with the world’s ways, who cares? It’s time to grow a thick skin so that insults hurled our way don’t bother us. We can choose to take it as a compliment, and respond, “Thanks!”

Those who stop paying attention will fall for anything.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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