Friday, March 23, 2012

Active Waiting


Isaiah 64:3-4

The Message: “You did terrible things we never expected, descended and made the mountains shudder at Your presence. Since time began on one has ever imagined, no ear heard, no eye seen, a God like You who works for those who wait for Him.”

“How long until Spring tryouts?” Brad whined to Jeremy.

Jeremy tossed the football to Brad, who ran the play they planned during recess from their 5th-grade classroom. “Just 2 more months, Bro” he said.

Waiting is sometimes the hardest thing for God’s kids to learn. Besides asking for patience, waiting is yet another frustrating trial we emerge from on the way to the victory God promised. While waiting isn’t passive for us, God’s also busy—working behind the scenes—to arrange the circumstances that will deliver our answer to prayer.

Praise God for being infinite (IN-fin-it means never-ending)! After all, God is juggling many balls in the air at once. He’s running the universe—not exactly a no-brainer. He’s active in every individual’s lives—and there are billions of us. When God ordained the Sabbath as a day of rest, He wasn’t tired; He just ended His creative activity. The Sabbath is a day designed for humans to rest. And we need rest from the hectic pace we embrace. We just hate waiting.

While God has a plan for every one of His kids, He rewards each step of obedience we take on that path. When God halts our forward progress, He creates pause. He’s still busy, just unseen. He changes people’s hearts; for example, we decide that our original prayer isn’t what we wanted after all. The pause could be a barrier of protection so that we don’t rush ahead and make hasty decisions that would bring disaster.

Perhaps we’re not ready to receive God’s answer to prayer. Waiting grows our character, obedience, and faith. Waiting also trains us for future responsibilities. When we find ourselves in a holding pattern, let’s deliberately choose to be still. Drum roll, please: Now He’s growing your patience! It won’t be long until God unleashes His mighty power on your behalf.

Soon, God will reveal good things for those who wait...for His timing. And the blessings He’s got stored up for you will exceed all expectations!

Take Home Nugget

Jeremy threw the football right on target, and Brad scored a touchdown in their make-believe recess football game. “That’s what I am talking about!” Brad cheered Jeremy’s successful pass that ended up in a 6 point score across the make-believe goal line. “We will be ready for Spring tryouts!”

Along life pathways I wait

And the way I cannot see.

My excitement does not abate

Eager for the plan God has for me.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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