Thursday, July 30, 2009


1Samuel 15
V. 22: “But Samuel replied: ‘Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord’”

Jesse’s grin was ear-to-ear as he biked to the pool. “Hey Wally!” he cried out, locking his bike to the rack. “Have you seen Cassie yet?”

Wally shook his head. Looking around, he said, “I just got here, but I’ve seen her here most every day.”

Jesse ran into the entrance, and searched the pool grounds. Finding Missy, Cassie’s friend, he asked, “Is Cassie coming today?”

“Oh, it’s you, Jesse. What do you want with her? We had a great time swimming in peace while you were suspended from coming.”

“Well, my restriction is lifted today.”


“Um…I need to talk to Cassie.”

“Oh sure…you just want to talk?”

Jesse sighed, looking at the ground. “I deserve that” he mumbled. “Yeah, really, Missy, I need to apologize for what I did.” He looked into Missy’s eyes, his brow wrinkling. “It’s important that she know how sorry I am for my behavior.”

Missy squinted into Jesse’s eyes. He really looks like his apology is genuine, she thought. “OK, Jess. She told me that she’s babysitting today, but should be back tomorrow.”

“Oh.” Jesse said, his heart sinking. “I’m supposed to apologize to her today, before I go swimming.” (See devotion 190, Belief Stand).

“I’ll tell her, Jess. You look sincere to me. I forgive your—immaturity.” Missy said.

“Thanks, Missy!” His mind free, Jesse dove into the pool. I tried to apologize to Cassie he thought. Missy accepts my apology, and says that she’ll tell Cassie. That’s all I can do until tomorrow. I may as well swim; the water feels so good after the blistering heat I suffered through these last three weeks. I earned this swim! “Ahhhh! This is heaven!” Jesse said aloud.

Do you agree that Jesse obeyed his Dad’s command? Does Missy’s forgiving Jesse get him off the hook for needing to apologize to Cassie? Does partial obedience justify a decision to ignore the rest of a direct order? Do you think that Jesse acted logically?

When you get a chance, I urge you to read the entire chapter 15 in 1Samuel. Saul’s partial obedience didn’t change God’s mind. And Saul’s excuses failed to win Samuel over, too. Saul rebelled against God’s command, plain and simple.
Do you agree?

Take Home Nugget

Having good reasons that rationalize our wrong choices don’t change God’s mind. Bargaining with God won’t help, either. Is any sin worth being outside of His will? Our Father delights in faithful followers.

Rationalization and justification are words that argue insubordination.

J.D. Griffith
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Belief Stand

1 Peter 3:13-16
V. 15: “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.”

“I can return to the pool today, Dad.” Jesse announced.

“Your suspension over?”

“Yeah. I’m ready for a swim—after a three-week heat wave.”

“What have you learned, Son?”

Jesse blew out a lungful of air, and looked squarely into his Dad’s eyes. “I acted like an idiot, Dad. Cassie didn’t deserve to be humiliated like that.” (See 184 Devotion Things God Hates).

“Your suspension was the pool’s punishment. Mine was your maintaining the yards, and Mom gave you plenty to do around the house.”

“She sure did. I know how to clean and cook, now!” Jesse admitted, smiling.

Jesse’s Dad threw his head back, laughing out loud. “That could come in handy!” he said. “But more importantly, you endured your punishment cheerfully…Will you ever resort to this kind of mischief again?”

“No way, Dad!”

“So, you’ll behave like a young man, instead of a thug from now on? How did remain happy these weeks?”

“Jesus replaced embarrassment with hope when I repented, Dad. I won’t mess up again.”

It’s been said, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Your belief system matters tremendously in how you address life, because it is the foundation of your character, conduct, and decisions. Our salvation depends on what we believe.

The person who trusts God and follows Jesus, believes in the promise of heaven—and acts accordingly. This person will live with a purpose, whose lifestyle mirrors obedience, faith, and responsibility. Jesus says indisputably in John 8:24, “Unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”

The world’s cynicism confronts believers' belief stand every day. Often we’re afraid to challenge the status quo. (Status quo is the current condition of things.) Friends often challenge others to push living to the edge. Have you heard the phrase, “there’s no purpose of living if you can’t feel alive?”

Believers have boundaries. Our conscience warns us not to cross these limits, and make a stand for right living.

Take Home Nugget

“May I go to the pool today?” Jesse asked his Dad.

“One condition: apologize to Cassie—and mean it. If she is not at the pool, come home. If she forgives you, swim for two hours, then come home.”

“But Dad, I already apologized to Cassie, remember?”

“I want you to hear from her own mouth that she forgives you, Son.”

Everyone will fall into temptation when not standing against sin.

J.D. Griffith
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Thursday, July 23, 2009


John 10:30
“I and the Father are one.”

We just learned that Nicodemus was a numbers person, in 188 devotion. Do you think that he understood about being born again? Believing in Jesus is a very big deal, and is an absolute necessity if we want to be accepted into God’s family.

Do you think Nicodemus was thinking about Jesus’ words as he rubbed myrrh and spices onto His body, wrapping it in linen in preparation for His burial? (John 19:39-44).
He just witnessed the Man—whom he called Rabbi (teacher), acknowledging that God was with Him—crucified on a cross. If Nicodemus decided to believe Jesus, then he was born again at precisely the moment he made that choice—the only choice that guaranteed him salvation and eternal life.

There may be a pivotal moment in your life when it dawns on you that the choice made now will direct your life from now on. How do you think Nicodemus reacted after Jesus’ lecture that as Israel’s teacher (Pharisee), he knew little about spiritual things? (John 3:10-17).


You can believe that Jesus’ reprimand seared Nicodemus’ heart. Jesus’ words must have ping-ponged around his brain, forcing a face to face confrontation with his own misunderstanding. Can you imagine Nicodemus peering skywards, shrieking, “I’m a numbers person!”
After all, he was the perfect man, living the perfect life, sure of his place in God’s kingdom. (I believe that Nicodemus knew that this decision was pivotal in his life, and chose to believe in Jesus--but that's just me.)

Nicodemus’ choice was not only pivotal, but also perfect timing. He must have witnessed the crucifixion, and now he is freshly saved—all his sins forgiven. WOW! That is pivotal!
Jesus prayed for Nicodemus (and for us) the night before He was crucified.

Facing His own horrible death, Jesus prayed not only for Himself—but also for His disciples—and for us! “My prayer is not for them alone. (Disciples). I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world will believe that You have sent Me.” (John 3:20-21).

God calls His children to unity—with Him and all believers.
Take Home Nugget

The number one—unity. Let us, being one in Christ, glorify God with one mind, one voice.

J.D. Griffith

Make us one, Lord, make us one;
Holy Spirit, make us one.
Let Your love flow so the world will know
We are one in You.

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Monday, July 20, 2009


John 3:3
I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

What kind of person are you—a numbers person or a word person? Do numerals and equations ring your bell, or do you relate best to language and vocabulary? What kind of person do you think the Pharisee, Nicodemus, was?

Nicodemus meticulously obeyed the Law of the Lord, as a teacher of Israel, 2,000 years ago. He was moral and upright in every way. He fully expected to be in God’s kingdom when his life on earth ended.

Then Jesus rocked his world.

Nicodemus said to Jesus, “Rabbi, we know that you’re a teacher straight from God. No one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

Jesus replied, “You’re absolutely right. Take it from me: No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

“How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely he cannot enter a second time in his mother’s womb!”

Jesus answered, “I’m telling you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.”


Jesus lectured Nicodemus about being a teacher, and yet not understanding spiritual things. (John 3:2-21). Nicodemus acknowledged that Jesus came from God, yet he couldn’t get what He was saying.

Nicodemus’ cheat sheet: “Born again” means believing in Jesus, the Son of God. A person does not get into Heaven by works alone. Nicodemus was secure in his goodness, and he thought that eternal life was guaranteed. The human equation is: good works+ upright living= Heaven. This wrong thinking is the root of confusion. Everyone is born a sinner. Though physically alive, we are born spiritually dead.

No amount of adding good works and subtracting bad from the human equation will ever equal being alive to God. In John 3:15, Jesus says, “…that everyone who believes in Him [Son of Man] may have eternal life.” Believing in Jesus makes a person born again, and is welcomed into God’s family. “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” Romans 6:11.

Do you believe in Jesus?

Take Home Nugget

Jesus is the single numerator in the equation that reconciles sinful man to the Father.

Believing in Jesus=Eternal life. The indwelling Holy Spirit is the deposit believers receive that assures us of eternal life in Heaven. (Ephesians 1:14).

See more about Nicodemus in John 7:50-52, and 19:38-42.

Heaven’s door swings open wide the instant a person places faith in Jesus.

J.D. Griffith
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

True Success

Luke 12:13-21
V. 15: “Then He said to them [the crowd], ‘Watch out! Be on guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’”

Cassie stuffed her bike’s basket full with brand new trinkets, then took off. Happiness gurgled from inside her heart as she pedaled to Ginny’s house. “Hi Cassie!” Ginny called, from her front porch.

“I just wanted you to have first choice of this stuff.” Cassie said.

“What?” Ginny asked, “Why are you giving away your stuff?”

Shrugging her shoulders, Cassie said, “Just because...I have so much—way more than I need, or could ever use.” She looked into Ginny’s eyes, and smiled. “See anything you like?”

Ginny, wide-eyed, sifted through the pile of stuff with her hand. Finally she chose a makeup compact. “May I have this, Cassie?”

“Yes! That’s a great selection, Ginny!” Cassie applauded. “I hope that it helps you feel as pretty as you truly are. Going to find our other friends now. Bye Ginny, see you later.” Cassie climbed aboard her bike. Grinning ear-to-ear, she pedaled fast.
“Thank you, Cassie!” Ginny yelled, waving good-bye.

Cassie made the same offer to her other friends. Every girl was tickled, delighted with their selections. Lipstick tubes, eye makeup, lip gloss, rings, bracelets, necklaces, and hair accessories disappeared within the hour.

After Cassie’s humiliation at the pool, she reprioritized her life. (See184 dev Things God Hates). Wealth does not equal success. Just because Cassie’s family is rich does not entitle her to personal success. True success means becoming who God created you to be, and do the work that He predetermined you to accomplish. (Ephesians 1:4, 2:10).

Being rich means nothing to God—everything comes from Him and belongs to Him. We are mere stewards of His blessings. Accumulating lots of stuff affects rich and poor alike. But when amassing “stuff” becomes our top priority, materialism takes on a new role: that of idolatry.
Then we’ve succumbed to the foolishness of greed. This shows distrust in God’s sovereignty.
Would you dare distrust God’s power and control?

True success is not found in wealth, or stuff, but in whom is found to be faithful—Almighty God.

Take Home Nugget

How did Cassie know that giving away her stuff breaks the grip of greed? She is learning to trust in and obey God. By sharing her earthly treasures, she is storing eternal treasure in Heaven, and ascending the ladder to true success.

Eternal blessing is measured in a relationship with Jesus. When Christ is our top priority, true success comes from prosperity in Heavenly treasure.

J.D. Griffith
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Monday, July 13, 2009


John 14:1-6
V.6: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’”

The word follow literally means, to be found in the way. Jesus’ audience, in ancient Rome, would have understood clearly what He was talking about. Rome was famous for its roads, which criss-crossed the empire. These wide, heavily-traveled highways are what the people would have pictured that Jesus meant when He referred to Himself as “the way”. For sure, Jesus is the way to the Father, and certainly the way to Heaven—but there is so much more.

Cutting through the underbrush in the jungle of our lives, we can successfully navigate to victory with Jesus as our trail-guide. Just like the state clears the landscape to lay down concrete for our interstates, Jesus plows the road to show us the way to righteous living.

The world honors people who love their friends, and hate their enemies. Jesus shows us how to love our enemies. (Matthew 5:44). We naturally judge and criticize others, but Jesus tells us to clean up our own lives before pointing out another’s flaws. (Matthew 7:3-4). While our instincts selfishly cause us to hoard our wealth, Jesus instructs us to give generously. (Luke 12:13-14).

These paradoxical tendencies are only re-engineered into righteousness by Master Jesus. He’s calling us to leave the old ways that are paths to destruction, and follow Him. He’d love it if we were all in the way, tripping Him on the path of righteousness. Then He’d be smiling ear-to-ear, assured that we were on the right path.

Does your dog trip you when you walk him or her, criss-crossing your path? Is your dog trying to lead by following, or follow by leading? Notice that (s)he constantly looks at your face. You both eventually end up in the right place, don’t you?

Take Home Nugget

We can choose to continue walking on the familiar path—but this path ultimately ends in our destruction. Or, we can choose to follow Jesus and be “in the way” with the One Who IS the Way!

We really don’t have to know where we’re heading or even see the way if we’re following the One Who IS the Way.

J.D. Griffith

As people of the Lord we’re called
To follow in His way;
And though the world won’t understand,
They’ll see Him on display

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

New Life

Romans 6:3-11
V. 4: “We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may have a new life.”

Jesse and Trevor’s “joke” of stealing Cassie’s bathing suit top had mind-numbing consequences. Their mischief thoroughly humiliated Cassie, and got Trevor and Jesse suspended from the public pool for three weeks. Most of their fifth grade classmates witnessed what some considered a funny practical joke. Guys high-fived each other, while the girls were appalled. But Cassie was teary-eyed and red-faced.

By the time Jesse’s Dad picked him up at the pool, Jesse’s thrill turned into his own embarrassment. He wanted to hide…or crawl in a hole and die. “Other kids were being really bad, too, Dad.” Jesse argued in his own defense. “Brian stole licorice sticks from the concession. Andy scared girls about rats being in their locker room, and Cassie was, well, she was just showing off.”

“If you’re disgraced now, Jesse, how do you think Cassie felt?” his Dad challenged. “Did she deserve the humiliation you put her through?”

“I realize that now, Dad…I just want to slink away and find a new life.”

“Well, you’re in luck, Son. You can start over, right now, today. The Holy Spirit specializes in new life. You believe that Jesus is God’s Son, and died for you, don’t you?”

Jesse nodded his head and gulped, diverting his eyes by looking outside the car window.

“New life begins when you choose to accept Jesus’ offer of forgiveness of sins…which includes salvation. He does not condemn you; He sets you free to live a life for Him.” Jesse’s Dad paused, looking at his Son. “Your sinful nature didn’t disappear at salvation, Jess. We need to repent of our sins and refuse to give sin power over our lives. Every day!”

Jesse silently studied his folded hands resting on his legs. Before arriving home, he patted his Dad’s arm and whispered, “Thanks, Dad. I will repent to God, and apologize to Cassie, tomorrow."

"Will I be grounded?" he asked aloud.

Take Home Nugget

By committing our will to the Spirit’s authority every day, He will lead us and eliminate sinful thoughts, actions, and habits that mess up our lives. He has the power of almighty God, Who raised Jesus from the dead. So, He can lift you out of any situation in which you’re buried.

J.D. Griffith

Sin’s lure may look like freedom
But in its grip we’re bound;
It’s when we’re bound to Jesus
Real freedom will be found.

D. De Haan
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Monday, July 6, 2009

Things God Hates

Proverbs 6:16-19
V. 16: “There are six things that God hates, seven that are detestable to Him.”

The crowded swimming pool swarmed with kids. Many from the fifth and sixth
grade classes were laughing and playing, teasingly carefree. No one expected stormy
clouds to darken their delight.

Jason snapped Brenda’s bathing suit top’s strap. “Ouch!” cried Brenda,
splashing his face.

Cassie sucked a pop cycle as she strolled around the pool, careful not to fall into
the water. Jesse watched Cassie, licking his lips. He said to Trevor, who was
kicking water behind a surf board, “Cassie’s so hot! I just want to grab her and hold
her under water.”

Trevor grinned and nodded his head. “Want to?”

The lifeguard blew her whistle. “Everybody out!” she commanded.
“Pool check.”

Missy ran up to Cassie, “I just love your new bikini!” she said, beaming.

“I can’t get it wet, because I’m afraid that it’ll shrink. Besides, I want to work on
my tan.” Cassie said, shaking her hips.

“I hear that there’s a rat in the girl’s locker room” Andy lied to Tiffany.

“Eeek!” she shrieked. “That’s not even funny, Andy!”

Brian ran up to the group with a handful of different licorice sticks. “Have one,”
He offered, holding them out. “There’re free—at least when you can sneak them out of
The concession stand without anyone seeing.”

“Everyone, back in the pool” the lifeguard said through her bullhorn.

Trevor and Jesse linked hands and surrounded Cassie, forcing her into the

“No! I ca-a-a-n’t” Cassie’s voice trailed off as she sank beneath the water’s
surface. Cassie’s water thrashing attracted the lifeguard’s attention. Standing
up on the platform she dove into the water, swimming towards the scuffle.

Trevor popped up laughing hysterically. Jesse emerged cheering as he held
up high Cassie’s bathing suit top.

The other boys howled as the lifeguard secured Cassie’s head above water.
Another lifeguard tossed her a towel, which she wrapped around Cassie.

Fun, innocent pranks?

Think again.

Take Home Nugget

The Bible reading says the Lord hates seven things. The first one is pride—
what God hates the most. When someone overvalues himself, this undervalues others.
Pride, or puffed up self-conceit are evil lies, spurned by the devil, that sow discord.
The person thinks that it’s okay to disregard another’s displeasure or discomfort.

God loves every one of His children the same. He delights when we humble
ourselves in serving others. Galatians 5:14 says, “The entire law is summed up with a
single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Boasting, arrogance, haughty pride I abase;
I’m only a sinner, saved by God’s grace.

J.D. Griffith
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Thursday, July 2, 2009


Psalm 42
V. 5: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your trust in God, for I will yet praise Him, my savior and my God.”

Jonathan asked his friend, Sid, “You’re coming to my 11th Birthday Party tomorrow, aren’t you?”

Sid jumped off his bike, letting it fall to the ground. “You’re having it at the swimming pool, right?”

“Yep. Bathing suites, balloons, burgers, and Birthday Cake!”

“Girls, too?”

“Yeah. I just hope that it doesn’t rain.” Jonathan looked skyward; his smile became a frown.

The weather prediction for the 4th of July was gloomy. Regardless of best-laid plans, bad weather could wipe out Jonathan’s party.

Does this remind you of your dreams? Regardless of solid planning and good purposes, do unexpected events often develop that prevent you from reaching your goal?

Hope is secure only when it’s aligned with God’s will. Jonathan may not find in Scripture whether God desires sunny weather for his Birthday Party. Will he and his friends be disappointed when their expectations do not coincide with God’s plan?

In what do we place our hope to ensure victory? What’s the best way to respond if we’re disappointed?

The answer is to place all our personal individual dreams under the umbrella of supreme hope in God. Because we’re certain that He wants our best in all things, we can rest easy—regardless of any outcome—positive that God never makes mistakes.

We have no absolute promise from the Lord that what we desire is His will for us. Even when our hope is based on a Scriptural promise, the Lord may fulfill it differently, or at a time that we don’t expect.

The key to contentment and joy is trusting in God’s sovereignty. His ways and thoughts are not our ways, and always beyond human understanding. (Isaiah 55:8).

Take Home Nugget

Too often, we’re like little kids who always want candy. Our Father has a history of dashing the hopes of His children—only to replace them with greater things. He knows what is best for us in every circumstance and at every point in our lives.
The best that we can do is to prayerfully ask Him to clarify and direct our desires so that they coincide with His plans. This way, our joy is complete—regardless of the outcome.

May our desires remain consistent with God’s plan.
May our fondest hopes be realized as true.
Regardless of circumstances, we know that God can!
Whatever’s the best is what He will do.

May God’s will be peaceful resolution for the nations of the world as USA celebrates its Independence Day.

J.D. Griffith

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