Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Peace Weave


John 20:26

“A week later His disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

“I’m pretty sure about my chances to make the football team again this year.” Brad admitted to his 5th -grade classmate, Jeremy.

“Yeah well, I always felt that we’d both definitely make the team this year, since we made it as rookies last year.” Jeremy said.

“I never took that for granted, Jerm. But after we spent all off-season practicing our skills, I am at peace with tryouts.”

Brad and Jeremy worked hard, and Jeremy even had an attitude adjustment after admitting that he slacked off (see Ten-Hut! devotion). As tryouts for the football team approaches, they’re not panicking about their chances to make the team.

Paying attention, making sure that we’re on the right path (God’s plan), and right attitude are the ingredients that weave peace into our hearts. Clear Guidance, Anchored for Victory, and Active Waiting devotions paved the reader’s road to this devotion about peace. Peace describes harmony and oneness that—woven together—brings calm to a person’s heart.

Jesus’ disciples were scared and nervous after His death. Thomas refused to believe that He had risen until he put a finger where the nails went and placed his hand in the side where Jesus was speared. The locked room didn’t prevent Jesus from standing among His disciples. His message to them was peace. We’re often scared and nervous, too—especially when bad things happen.

Jesus’ message to us today is peace. Believers in Christ confirm that peace is the sign that we’re on the right path. However, a feeling of peace might come from our own satisfaction, rather than assurance that our decisions are aligned with God’s plan for our lives. Jesus’ peace certifies that the decision, or action is united with God’s will.

God molds us day by day into Christ likeness through Bible study. His truths sink deeply into our hearts. This grows us spiritually so we intuitively (in-TOO-i-tiv-lee means natural instinct) know God’s will when we make decisions. Jesus’ peace.

Whose peace are you experiencing? Human understanding, or Jesus’ peace? When Christ rules our hearts, He umpires every thought, shaping our decisions and choices to agree with God’s will. Peace allows God’s kids to make decisions with confidence.

Take Home Nugget

The important thing is Christ’s presence. He’s not only in church. Jesus is everywhere you welcome Him in. Your classroom, your laptop, your bedroom, every “room” in your life is where Jesus reigns. Remember, locked doors cannot keep Him out.

Amidst life’s problems, burdens we bear

Find deep consolation ‘cause Jesus is there.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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