Friday, March 16, 2012

Clear Guidance


1Samuel 4:1-11

Verse 3: “When the soldiers returned to camp [Israelites fought the Philistines], the elders of Israel asked, ‘Why did the Lord being defeat upon us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the Lord’s covenant from Shiloh, so that it may go with us and save us from the hand of our enemies.’”

The devotion St. Patrick may have made many kids uncomfortable. Patrick had his future laid out before him, but was rudely hijacked to a foreign land and sold into slavery. Christians are supposed to be protected from these dreadful things, right?

Yes and No. God’s kids are surrounded by angels that keep us safe. But God always has the last word. While Patrick’s 6 years of shepherding kept him hungry and cold, he turned to the Lord. The relationship he built with God carried him through the very trial that prepared him for his ministry. In the end, he chose to return to Ireland. I am sure that Patrick never figured that being Ireland’s patron saint was his life’s plan!

God wants to give His kids clear guidance in our lives. The question is: How do we get this guidance? The first thing is to carry out the trash. Sin is one hurdle that God won’t jump—until we repent of it and clear the pathway to receive His direction. We must also choose to let God’s way trump our way.

The second stumbling block is to wait for Him to open up the path before we race forward. The Bible is clear that waiting isn’t passive. We’re to actively pray and remain alert to hear His voice. During this “marking time” season, He’ll weed out wrong ideas and behavior that confuse our lives.

Prayer and Bible study wrap up guidance issues. The Bible has every answer for every need. It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to point us in the right direction. Prayer is chatting with God about our concerns, plans, and human deadlines that we feel need to be met.

The opening Scripture seems “right on” to achieve Israel’s victory, but even that failed. (See lesson link, below). No matter our resources, the ace hidden up one’s sleeve does NOT guarantee victory. In fact, plans are doomed to fail until we enlist God’s plan.

Take Home Nugget

The Israelites didn’t consult God before battling the Philistines, even with the ark as good luck. In fact, Israel was clobbered a second time! Taking the ark into battle worked with Joshua at Jericho (Joshua 6), but it wasn’t God’s plan this time. Israel failed to pray and receive God’s direction. Good luck doesn’t charm victory, which only comes from God’s plan.

Let prayer be your first plan, not your last.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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