Tuesday, March 6, 2012

God is the One


Deuteronomy 8:7-18

Vv.15-16: “He led you through the vast and dreadful desert, that thirsty and waterless land, with its venomous snakes and scorpions. He brought you water out of hard rock. He gave you manna to eat in the desert, something your fathers had never known, to humble and to test you so that in the end it may go well with you.”

“Why the big grin?” Jeremy’s 5th-grade classmate, Brad, wondered when running onto the field at recess.

“We played a fantastic season of football, Brad. Surely we’ll make the team next season....I may even try out for a different position!”

Brad spun the football the boys played with at recess in his hands. He positioned it with the laces lining up under his fingers, as though ready to throw it, before answering his friend. “Tell you what, Jerm, I’m not making the team again for granted. I want to work hard until spring-season tryouts. Hopefully, Coach will choose you and me to be on the team again for next season. Wasn't sharpening our skills the whole point about our recess play through this school year?”

The devotion, Dissatisfaction, could leave people wondering what isn’t meaningless. If people’s hope isn’t on Jesus and all God’s promises in the Bible, what has meaning? What brings satisfaction? When people are successful, they tend to take credit for their success. When winning, they think of themselves as winners—apart from God’s authority, and blessing.

Brad has the correct attitude when things are going well: keep trying to improve. When people take for granted their success, popularity, or wealth, pride can quickly bring them down. When things are going well in people’s lives, they often ignore, or forget God altogether. They think that they, alone, are responsible for their victories.

Everything we have comes from God, and it all belongs to Him! Wealth, victory, or success with attaining material things aren't all that is important.  Ask a person newly diagnosed with cancer what his health means. Ask a person whose child died what peace means. Ask someone who was betrayed by a best friend what loyalty and faithfulness means.

Of course Brad realizes that next season tryouts could just as easily cut him from the football squad as promote him to a starting position. He takes nothing for granted. He wants Jeremy to understand this, as they work on improving their football skills. Just as we thank God for every meal, let us thank Him for every blessing. Let’s admit that He’s the One. Not me. Not you.

Take Home Nugget

John 10:10 is Jesus talking to His disciples, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

God, the true Life giver,

Shows us how to live.

More precious than silver,

Jesus—eternal life to give.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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