Thursday, March 26, 2009


Matthew 13:1-30
Vs. 16: “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear…many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”

The Parable of the Sower always seemed obvious to me—then I FINALLY got it! See if you get its meaning:

As a farmer scattered seeds, some fell on the path, and birds came and ate them. Never having a chance to sprout into plants, these seeds were lost. This represents someone who hears God’s Word but does not understand its meaning. The evil one snatches it away before it has a chance to nurture inside his heart.

The farmer scattered seeds on rocky places that did not have much soil, so the plants couldn’t grow there, either. This symbolizes someone who hears God’s Word and receives it joyously. But without repetition, or soil, the seed couldn’t develop into a plant and grow roots. The person falls away from faith in God the first sign of trouble.

Some of the farmer’s seed fell among thorns, which choked the seed. It died. This stands for someone who receives God’s Word, but the worries of life drive him to distraction. He ignores the Word of God and never pursues God’s kingdom.

Some seed fell onto good soil. This corresponds to a person who hears God’s Word and understands it. This person eagerly seeks it—reading and listening intently as the Word cultivates deep roots inside his heart. He produces a bountiful crop for God’s kingdom—yielding much more fruit than what was sown.

Still other seeds were sown among the weeds; the plants grew up side by side. The farmer didn’t pull up the weeds, because he didn’t want to yank up the wheat by mistake. At harvest time he separated the wheat from the weeds (chaff).

The chaff he burned up.

Take Home Nugget

Wheat and chaff represent believers and non believers. This is what I missed when growing up: I didn’t realize that my non-Christian friends aren’t going to Heaven. At harvest time, they will be forever lost—instead of being whisked into God’s kingdom.

This gives me (and you) a chance to pray for them who reject Jesus during their lifetime. At death, the separation is decided. We sow God’s seed for His kingdom throughout our lives, and—God harvests the fruit.

J.D. Griffith

Have you thought of where you’re going
When this earthly life is past?
Will the seed that you’re sowing
Bring a harvest that will last?

Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Wheat/Chaff
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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