Tuesday, March 31, 2009

God''s Majesty

Exodus 33:1-11
(The Message) Vs. 6: “God said to Moses, ‘Tell the Israelites, ‘You’re one hard-headed people. I couldn’t stand being with you for even a moment—I’d destroy you. So take off all your jewelry until I figure out what to do with you.’”

Many believers often ask three questions: Where is God? Why is God silent? Why is God unfair? What questions would you ask about your Father in Heaven?

Consider that the Hebrews weren’t bothered by questions like these as they wandered in the Sinai wilderness—for 40 years—enroute to their promised land. They saw evidence of God daily. They heard Him speak, they ate manna, the food He provided for them every single day, they lived under a contract signed by His hand. This relationship they had with the Father gave us believers today a great gift: we worship one God, and our belief in one sovereign holy Lord is the gift of monotheism. (Mon-o-THEE-izm).

Perhaps we could use a refresher course in God’s majesty. Do we view our sovereign holy God, creator of the universe, as a cosmic “good buddy”?

The Scripture passage today makes God sound like an angry dad. Our parents may become that angry with us—and if all we get is a whipping—at least their discipline won’t destroy us.

When Pastor Gordon MacDonald stopped revering (re-VEER-ing) God, he regretted it. He writes, “I quietly (and insanely) concluded that God didn’t care and most likely wouldn’t intervene were I to risk violation of one of His commandments.”

Today, Pastor Gordon is steadily moving into a closer father/son relationship with God. He’s grasped reverence for God, and in return, God is teaching him the importance of obedience and gratitude. He’s learned how important it is to express sorrow and repent of sin. He seeks quiet time to be alone with God, listening for His whispers. His example teaches us a lesson about pursuing the same relationship with our Father—Who desires our friendship.

Take Home Nugget

Isaiah 55:8 puts it best when we lower God down to our level: “'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’ declares the Lord.” Verse 9 is clear: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways…” Although God is not our “good buddy,” Hebrews 4:16 reminds us “to come boldly to the throne of grace.”

As His children, we’re always welcome to sit on God’s lap.

A daily worship is to be ever mindful of our Father’s inestimable majesty, recognizing His supreme worth.

J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for God's Majesty
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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