Thursday, March 5, 2009

God's 12 Promises Part 2 of 3

GOD’S 12 PROMISES Part 2:5-8
John 10:4
“When he has brought out all His own, He goes on ahead of them, and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice.”

Jeremiah 29:11
“’For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Matthew 11:28

“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

1 John 1:9
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

On the second day of football practice Jeremy fell into calisthenics next to Brad. Scotty and his bud, Trevor, approached Brad and Jeremy with a proposition: “Want some steroids? They’ll help you to get a starting position on the team.”

“How did that work out for you last year, Scotty?” Jeremy inquired, with a smirk.

“You know I got kicked off the team last year, but now I’m stronger and faster.” Scotty retorted.
“Brad and I reject your steroids, Scotty, and you’d better stop pushing them on players. Coach will bust you again!”

“I’ve been praying for you to return to being my good friend” Brad told Scotty. “I’ve missed you.”

Coach Jiles motioned for Scott to come in front of the team, and said aloud, “Scott, what did you learn about steroids last year?”

Scotty shuffled before his teammates and gulped, looking down. He muttered, “Steroids can harm to us, some say, but they do bulk us up physically and increase our strength.”

“Will you be pushing them on your teammates again this year?”

“No, Coach” Scotty lied before the whole team.

Jeremy and Brad looked at each other--wide-eyed, mouths open.

“Sh, sh, sh” Jeremy whispered to Brad.

Brad whispered back, “We don’t need to do anything, Coach will find out sooner or later. Let’s continue to pray for him to do the right thing.

Take Home Nugget

When you see friends veering down the wrong path towards trouble, it’s not always the best thing to confront them. When you pray for them, God will attempt wooing them back into righteousness.
The battle is not ours, once we confront the person of their sin. The best we can do is to keep the friendship door open so they can return in their own time.

Heavenly Father, most Holy one who is faithful, protect my friend,_______________, from danger. Warn him from doing the wrong thing and lead him back to King Jesus—in Whose name I pray. AMEN!

J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for God's 12 Promises, Part 2 of 3
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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