Friday, July 15, 2011

Spiritual Rutter


Part 3 of 12 Celebrating Scripture Series

Psalm 119:105

“Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path.”

Ships have rudders. They’re what steers it, just like the steering wheel in a car. But, while rudders are important—to keep God’s kids going in the right direction—we also need rutters. A rutter is a log of personal memories. It reminds believers when, where, and how Jesus walked us through problems.

So when we’re in another impossible situation, our rutter encourages us, inspiring faith that everything will be alright. Personal rutters help us navigate through dangerous seas with confidence. “Seas” could be sin, low self-esteem, chronic illness, money concerns—anything. We often think it’d take a miracle to get us out of a jam, but God’s still in the miracle business today!

Third-grader Shakira, bounded up to fifth-grader Cassie at the swimming pool. “Heah Cass.”

Cassie looked up. “Hi Shak. I didn’t realize that you were here today” she said. “What’s up?”

“I, uh, got my cell phone wet. Now it won’t work. I want to call Mom to pick me up.”

“When did this happen, Shak? It’s almost five o’clock!”

“I think around one.”

“What happened?”

“It fell in the pool.”

“What?” Cassie asked, raising her eye brows.

“I got pushed in. It wasn’t my fault! I laid it in the sun all afternoon, but it still won’t work!”

“Why did it take all day for you to find help, Shak?”

“I’ve been worried sick all day. I spent my dollar on food. I don’t know what to do Cassie! Can you help me?”

“I wish you’d come to me sooner” Cassie said, pulling out her cell phone from her bag. “Call your Mom now, Shak—she must be worried sick about you!”

Shakira sighed long. “Thanks, Cassie.”

“Next time, don’t ruin your day making yourself sick with worry. Remember to find me, OK?”

That’s Jesus response to our worries, too. “What took you so long to ask Me?” Our job is to keep our eyes on Jesus, and go to Him anytime, through prayer. Prayer “conversations” are not one-sided. Other people often provide answers. Our prayers may include Scripture reference (to remind God of a promise), ask a question, plead for help, or offer up praise and thanks. But our handbook—the Bible—is easy reference all the time

Take Home Nugget

God is especially faithful in trying times. Dangers pop up in life, and we’re always tempted to sin. Our rudder (the Holy Spirit) and our spiritual rutter (personal memories of assurance) keep God’s kids on course. God’s Word is the map, the indwelling Holy Spirit is the compass, and we’re never alone or abandoned!

The Bible—a guidebook true

Shows us the way

With courage, hope, and joy anew

Steering us through each day.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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