Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Meditation / Conversation


Part 4 of 12 Celebrating Scripture Series

Psalm 1:1-3

The Message: “How well God must like you—you don’t hang out at Sin Salon, you don’t slink along Dead-End Road, you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College.

2Instead you thrill to God’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night.

3You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month,

Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom.”

This Scripture is a perfect way to introduce God’s kids into how to hold a conversation with the Almighty. We ask questions. God ALWAYS answers. He’s delighted when we seek Him in His Word! For example, the first verse, above, (although it’s from The message, your Bible will have the same meaning using different words), we can ask God if we are hanging out with the wrong crowd. Am I missing Your best blessings because of my choice of friends?

The second verse begs the question, “What do I mainly think about, Lord?” When we simply read Scripture, snap the Bible shut, and forget what we just read, we flunk the test. But when we reflect on the meaning, it penetrates inside our hearts. If we don’t understand it, ask God, “What does this passage mean, Lord?” The indwelling Holy Spirit brings its meaning into focus.

“What do You mean by meditating on Your Word day and night, Lord? I’m a busy kid!” For sure, we can’t meditate on His Word when we’re in a hurry. Meditation is a discipline. It requires silence, stillness, and concentration. The process of meditation/conversation requires desire on our part. When we listen to God’s small still voice, problem Scripture passages suddenly become clear.

He’ll also reveal not only the meaning, but how it applies to our lives. Our goal is to gain a deeper understanding of God, and ourselves. Deliberate seeking God involves thought, exploration, and prayer. The Lord’s transforming power explodes in our lives, enabling us to face every difficulty. Victorious living isn’t an accident—it’s deliberate—and planned.

The third verse above, promises success. “How can I become fruitful, Lord?” What kind of tree are you? Are you satisfied with dead leaves and rotten fruit? (Some questions are asked just to get us thinking). What’s displayed you your Tablet? Do you like sports stories, mysteries, action, adventure, romance, comics? What would someone think of you when seeing what’s visible on your Tablet? What would God think of your reading choices?

What would you think of someone whose electronic reading device displayed Scripture?

Take Home Nugget

We become Spiritually mature (ma-TURE means grown-up, adult) when we apply living to what we learn from Scripture.

I seek, ask, and ponder,

God’s love is awesome, and totally free!

Lost in holy wonder,

What, O Lord, is Your answer for me?

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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