Friday, July 22, 2011

Faith Victory


Part 5 of 12 Celebrating Scripture Series

1John 5:4-5

“…for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” (Emphasis added.)

The Bible’s main objective (ob-JEK-tiv means point, purpose) is to reveal Jesus as God’s Son. Thousands of words tucked inside its 66 books point us to the Father, then to His Son, Jesus. Throughout, we’re encouraged to build a relationship with Him—the only way to eternal life.

Jesus’ victory is through water and blood. The water signifies His baptism, when the Holy Spirit lighted upon Jesus’ shoulder in the form of a dove. It is the Holy Spirit, (the Spirit of truth), Who testifies (TEST-i-fies means swears to, gives witness, confirms) that Jesus is God’s Son. This public show-and-tell was seen by many on the banks of the Jordan River. (Matthew 3:16-17).

The blood stands for Jesus’ death. Jesus’ flesh was torn to ribbons. Nails pounded into His hands and feet fastened Him to the cross. A spear pierced His side. Only Jesus—perfect God-man—could pay the price that bought forgiveness of sins for all humankind. By His sacrificial death, Jesus united the Old Testament with the New, as believers’ [Passover] Lamb (1Corinthians 5:7).

Passover was when people killed a lamb, and put its blood on the door posts so the angel would “pass over” their home (Exodus 12:1-13). The wall that separated the Holy of Holies from the worshippers in the temple, blew apart when Jesus died on the cross that Good Friday over 2,000 years ago (Matthew 27:51).

Indeed, water and blood are vital ingredients for our victory:  The Spirit, the water, and the blood are in total agreement. They confirm, or testify that Jesus is God’s Son. Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart. Whoever does not believe God makes Him out to be a liar (1John 5:10).

Would you ever call God a liar?

Take Home Nugget

This is what “free will” is all about. God does not demand that His created people bow to Him in worship, thanks, and adoration. We’re allowed to scream at God, even call Him a liar to His face. Whoever does not embrace Jesus and repent of sin will never have eternal life, their destiny is sealed.

Those who choose to believe that Jesus is God’s Son also have a sealed destiny. The Holy Spirit seals them for redemption (Ephesians 4:30). Their faith secures their victory for eternal life!

Faith looks beyond this temporary life,

Filled with gladness, but also trouble and strife.

Our victory is assured for all eternity:

Certainly, firmly, positively, confidently.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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