Friday, July 8, 2011

Celebrating Scripture


Part 1 of 12 Celebrating Scripture Series

Proverbs 8:32-35

The Message: “So, my dear friends, listen carefully; those who embrace these my ways are most blessed. Mark a life of discipline and live wisely; don’t squander your precious life. Blessed is the man, blessed is the woman, who listens to me, awake and ready for me each morning, alert and responsive as I start my day’s work. When you find me, you find life, real life, to say nothing of God’s good pleasure.” (Me=Wisdom—calling us)

“Watcha reading?” Jeremy asked Cassie, whose Reader's Tablet leaned against her thighs as she sat bent-kneed on the ground, by the swimming pool.

Looking up, she squinted in the bright sunshine. “Oh, hi Jerm! I’ve got tons of books on my Tablet. But right now, I’m reading the 8th chapter of Proverbs, in the Bible.”

“Couldn’t you find something more interesting to read than the Bible?”

“It’s early” Cassie replied, shaking her head. “Devotions first, then I’ll begin my next book.” She waved Jeremy to one side. “You’re blocking the sun, Jerm! How can I get tan when you’re the firewall jamming the sun?”

Cassie’s got her priorities correct (pri-OR-i-tees rank personal concerns by importance). She knows that when she reads the Bible first, the rest of her day falls neatly in line. Today, she’s learning about wisdom. Cassie reads her devotions first thing every morning, and tries to remember what she learned throughout the day. It’s good practice to pick a time for daily devotions and stick to it.

What’s so exciting about the Bible? God’s Word happens to be the best seller of all time! Its collection of writings, books penned by different people, is the only complete human handbook ever published. The Bible is superior to all other books: truths worth living by, and worth dying for. The Bible’s principles are holy, its rules—indispensable (in-de-SPENS-i-bl means vital, necessary, crucial).

Scripture provides light that guides, food that nourishes, comfort that heals, salve that soothes, parties that cheer, and a rock that anchors. The Bible is map, GPS (Global Positioning System), compass, walking staff, and sword—the complete traveling guide for humans’ victory. We celebrate Scripture, because there’s not one promise that God fails to keep.

Electronic or hard copy choices bring the written word to us, surrounding us as we try keeping pace in today’s world. Don’t allow anyone to block “the Son” from you! Regardless of how you choose to read, won’t you join us in this Celebrating Scripture series?

Take Home Nugget

“What a perfect fun day!” Missy commented when Cassie joined her in the pool.
“Thank You, God” Cassie replied. “Thank You for this perfect fun day!”

Loving Father, Yahweh,
Holy Spirit our guide,
Savior Jesus every day
In Him we can abide.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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