Friday, March 11, 2011

Snap Lion's Mouth Shut

1Peter 5:2-10
The Message 1Peter 1:3-4: “What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have Him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand new life and have everything to live for, including a future in Heaven—and the future starts now!”

The last several devotions, (Passionate Zeal, Brain Vs. Feet & Mouths, Every Believer’s Calling, and Knee-Jerk Reactions), can freak a person out. Their intent is not to cause worry. They were written so you’d get how high a value God places on His kids’ contribution to His kingdom. He created us for a purpose, (and that isn’t so we could play our lives away).

It’s vital to God that His kids live like His Son did: perfect, emitting His fragrance throughout the world. But when Jesus commanded His disciples to go out into the world, baptizing people, teaching them everything He taught (Matthew 28-19-20), He didn’t mean to stress us out. As Knee-Jerk Reactions devotion showed—no preaching is necessary—just doing the right thing shows the world whose we are.

Never believe that Jesus brings us trouble.

It’s bad enough that Satan prowls the earth, causing God’s kids concern (1Peter 5:8). The roaring lion, looking for someone to devour, is used as a metaphor (MET-a-for means symbol) for anxiety, or worry. People who fret over things often feel like they’re being stalked by a hungry, wild animal. They’re not sure if they’ll make it through their trouble alive. The devil enjoys their distress, loving every moment they resist turning to God for help.

Apostle Paul, in 1Peter 5:9, urges us to stand firm in our faith. Our prayers of help admit dependence on God, and He relieves us of every burden. Our submission displays confidence that God’s power will make everything turn out for our good (Romans 8:28). Nothing challenges His power! When we realize this fact, our trust in God builds. Maybe the next time worry stalks us—we’ll hand it off to Jesus—instead of stressing ourselves into a frazzle.

The moment a believer gives problems to the Lord, we’re instructed to wad up that paper and throw it away. Just because the problem may still exist, doesn’t mean it isn’t already defeated, your victory won. God doesn’t mess around—especially with His kids’ welfare!

Take Home Nugget

Our job is to resist the devil, stand firm in faith, and obey God. Cast every worry on the Lord. Then burn that paper and walk away in perfect peace.

Take my worry far away from me
Lord. Erase my pain, I humbly pray.
Set me totally, blissfully free
From all concerns, beginning today.

J.D. Griffith
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