Friday, March 4, 2011

Every Believer's Calling

Acts 1
V. 11: “‘Men of Galilee’ they [two men dressed in white] said, ‘Why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who was taken from you into the heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven.’”

Apostle Peter said to John, “WOW! I wonder when?”

John stopped staring into the sky, sure that Jesus had really disappeared. He answered his fellow disciple. “Don’t know, Peter…But I miss Him already!”

“He’s gone, John…I guess we’d better get going, too.”

“Right” John said. “Hey, James, Phil, Andrew, Alphaeus, Bart, Matt, Simon, Tom, Judas—let’s go! Or do you want to hang around here looking stupid all day?”

“Where to?” James wondered. “I suppose we ought to hang together for awhile, though. The helper that Jesus promised us will come soon." (Acts 1:4-5).

Thomas said, “Then our work will really start! Aren’t we commanded to give everyone in the whole world our Good News?” (Acts 1:8).

“Jerusalem’s a whole day’s walk from here—we’d better get started” John suggested. (They were at the Mount of Olives, Acts 1:12).

None of Jesus’ disciples lacks a story to tell about knowing our Master. Paul’s Damascus story really rocked me! (See Committed Zeal devotion, or read for yourselves Acts 9:1-15). The point is that every believer has a story to tell. Our personal experiences with Jesus motivate us to tell stories about Him—right where we are.

This is His command—and we ought to take it seriously.

Every believer’s highest calling, is to tell others about Jesus. Your story is the most interesting and exciting one to tell. Although Jesus’ Great Commission task is overwhelming to many of His kids, it’s our job to obey (Matthew 28:19-20). Remember His last words in verse 20: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Do His reassuring words give you power to share Jesus with another? The world surely needs the power of Christ. The Holy Spirit will guide you—putting words into your mouth—that will rock others.

Take Home Nugget

What will we do, while waiting for the Counselor that You promised, Jesus? Philip prayed as they walked. After a little while he announced, “When we get to Jerusalem, we could find a twelfth disciple. Judas Iscariot—that traitor—is gone!”
We, too, gather inspiration when we surrender to God. When we see His hand at work in our lives, the stronger our passion grows to share with others what He has done.
What often seems coincidence
As we add life chapters to our story
Is really God at work, behind the scenes—
To Him be all the glory
J.D. Griffith
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