Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jesus' Ambassadors of Peace

Romans 15:4-13
The Message vv. 4-6: “God wants the combination of His steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever He will do next. May our dependently steady and warmly personal God develop maturity in you, so that you get along with each other as well as Jesus gets along with us all. Then we’ll be a choir—not our voices only, but our very lives singing in harmony in a stunning anthem to the God and Father of our Master Jesus!”

Shakira announced, “And here’s where I upload movies!” showing off her new iPod to her third-grade classmates at recess.

Violet gushed, “Ahhh, that’s soooo cool, Shak!”

Keith laughed from behind Bethany. Snickering, he said, “Big deal. Anyway, yours is an inferior brand.”

Keith is someone who gets a kick out of upsetting another’s apple cart. He enjoys condemning things and people. Speaking nasty, he enjoys watching people’s reactions.

Despite our best efforts, the world is full of Keiths. We long for peace, but it’s forever just beyond our grasp. Every new year find people hoping for a better life, and a better world. Each new generation emerges bright and shiny, sure theirs will be the generation of peace and prosperity. But here’s the thing: Our world won’t be made right until Christ returns and makes everything right.

Until then, believers—Jesus’ Ambassadors of Peace—stand in for making things right, right where we are. Our goal is to give light where there is darkness. But we’re not always as bright and shiny as we ought to be. We’re often quick-tempered, and impatient. Living in harmony is not easy, and we have trouble letting go of attitudes that hurt others. Jesus understands. That’s why He gave us the Holy Spirit, Who transforms us—one day at a time—into Christ-likenesses.

The Spirit instructs us to apply Jesus’ Words to our lives, empowering us to live godly. Our once “me-centered” attitudes are replaced with “Christ-centered” thinking. This paradigm (par-a-DIME means standard, or typical) expression changes our “Me” to “Christ” thinking—painlessly. AND, it produces much fruit (love, joy, peace) in our lives. With Jesus by our side, we actually represent ambassadors of peace, reconciling others to God!

When our hearts are ruled by His peace, our relationships characterize a spirit of oneness with the world and God. That’s reconciliation (rek-on-SIL-i-a-shon means reunion, bringing together).

Are you as WOWED as I am?

Take Home Nugget

Shakira asked Keith, in front of their classmates, “Didn’t Brad stop Ronnie from hitting you yesterday?" (See Knee-Jerk Reactions devotion). "Couldn’t you allow us to enjoy a fun recess without the buzz-kill?”

Jesus’ Ambassadors of Peace love like God.
J.D. Griffith

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