Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Isaiah 41:9-13
The Message v.13: “That’s right. Because, I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go. I’m telling you, ‘Don’t panic. I’m right here to help you.’”

We’re children of the Most High! Regardless of circumstances, whether good or bad, we’re called to stick close to our Awesome God. During times of smooth sailing, we forget how dependent we truly are on Him.

Keith shook his head, speechless. “Do you really want to be my friend, Shak?” (See Jesus’ Ambassadors of Peace and Out-of-Box Vision devotions). The third-graders were grouped outside for recess, and Shakira decided to befriend Keith

“Of course. You can’t have too many friends!” She turned to her girlfriend, Bethany. “Do you want to be friends with Keith?”

“We both live in the same neighborhood, and it would be nice to have a buddy close-by. What do you do for fun, Keith?”

Keith’s face blushed red. Looking at Bethany he said, “Ride bike, climb trees, throw ball…stuff like that.”

“That’s way better than playing doll house or school, Keith. Too bad we didn’t hook up sooner.”

Just like having friends close by, we need to keep God close, too. He’s fun, full of goodness, and has an incredible sense of humor. But, we also desperately need His direction, and care. When our lives are too easy, it’s natural for humans to settle into a self-sufficient attitude. Many people think: God’s there when I’m in trouble—but I can do things for myself—and not bother Him. He’s got the whole world depending on Him. He may be glad that I can take care of myself.

But when trouble strikes, they often feel too far away from their protector. They’ve forgotten to maintain a close relationship with God, and hesitate to “bother Him” in bad times. Remember: Jesus is your brother. He’s God, and even He didn’t feel self-sufficient to live apart from His Father for even a day. Jesus stuck to our Father like glue.

Painful situations trigger panic in our hearts. This ought to drive God’s kids straight back into His loving arms. Do we remember then how dependent we truly are on Him? He promises to deliver us from doubt, depression, anger, and everything we need to endure difficulty.

Remember Bethany and Keith when you’ve drifted away from your God. He’s in your neighborhood, close by, and wants to be your friend—on good days, and bad. Remember Him in your relationships with friends. Never forget to stick close, like glue, to your best friend, Jesus.

Take Home Nugget

Awesome Savior, keep me humble,
Without You, I’m sure to stumble.
Keep me close to You like glue,
Without you, I wouldn’t have a clue.

J.D. Griffith

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