Tuesday, January 12, 2010

To Our Shepherd

Psalm 23
John 10:1-15
V. 2: “The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of His sheep.”

Dearest Jesus,

You are our Shepherd. We learned that You are the “implementer” (IM-ple-ment-er, meaning someone who achieves action) leg of the Triune God (see Triune Wonder devotion). You provide for everything we need. We’re busy romping and grazing all day, and come home when You call us by name. You lay Yourself down across the threshold of darkness to keep us safe overnight. You make us feel loved, protected, and secure. Thank You for comfortable, trouble-free lives.
You’re welcome.”

We know that we’re better than sheep, because we’re welcome at the big house. After crying out to you when scared, we watch You chase away danger. We know that the wolves’ and lions’ mouths pant, hoping to eat us for dinner. Would You lay down Your life to protect us, Lord?

Certainly. Already done.”

We know that some of us aren’t the brightest in Your flock, often smell badly, but You never seem to mind. Sometimes you must correct us when we rebel, but we’re never harmed. You over fill our lives with wonder and goodness. Why are we so special to You, Lord?

You are My chosen ones.”
We know that You tend sheep in other pens, and are not jealous. Your care of us is complete. How do You guard every pen throughout every night? Thank You.

Your care is My pleasure. I am infinite.”

Sometimes another comes and leans on the fence. He calls to us. Usually he speaks softly, but sometimes he dares us to danger. His voice sounds weird, and we try ignoring him. What does he want, anyway?

He wants to lead you away from Me. Don’t pay him any mind, because he lies.”

There are times when we see You returning a lost lamb. We’ve been too busy to notice that we were alone. Are we ever truly alone, Lord?


You lead us through terrifying times, too. When one of us is sick, You’re right there. When one of us dies, You carry him in Your arms. How can we remain calm during creepy times, Lord?
I AM Your peace.”

What does it mean that you’re our gate. Lord? (John 10:7). Why would we leave? Where would we go? Thanks for answering some questions that we’ve been wondering about.
Love, Your flock.
I AM the doorway to Heaven. You’ll love it there. Come and live with Me forever.”

Take Home Nugget

Check out Psalm 23. This may help you to understand it better.
Claim the Lord as your Shepherd.
J.D. Griffith
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Written for Bible Study for Kids

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