Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 In Jesus' Name

John 14:9-14
V. 14: “You may ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it.”
Thank you, Jesus…Happy New Year 2010!

Holidays (Holy days) solemn and fun: Ramadan, Thanksgiving, and Hanukkah finished before Christmas; Kwanzaa afterwards. All are history now. Holiday gifting finds people around the world gasping for financial oxygen.

We don’t need to go into debt for everything, for the Lord’s blessings never end. They’re free—renewed every morning—but please don’t take Jesus’ promise for granted.

The phrase “in Jesus’ name” isn’t some magical incantation, like “Open Sesame.” Using Jesus name at the end of each prayer does not automatically generate that person’s wishes. How many realize that some conditions must be realized before not saying, “in Jesus’ name” in vain?
Jesus said the above Scripture passage to His disciples near the end of His earthly ministry. He knew that they would soon feel deserted. After three years following Him from town to town, hearing His every word, witnessing miracles, conversing with Him, eating, and sleeping by His side, they hoped that His ministry would never end.

Jesus recognized that they would endure hard times after His ascension (as-SEN-shun, meaning to rise up to Heaven in the air). How would they survive without Him? He also understood that His death and resurrection would change the world forever. But Jesus had much to teach His disciples before His departure. He longed for them to feel secure, assuring them that He would never abandon them as orphans (John 14:18).

Can you sense Jesus’ urgency in wanting to impress on His disciples that despite being invisible, He’d remain close? They soon discovered how everything changed, after receiving the Holy Spirit that first Pentecost. Believers today know the many privileges that accompany faith. We’re justified, labeled righteous. This means that we can approach God’s throne with confidence (Hebrews 4:16). Furthermore, our kinship with Jesus gives us power to petition the Father, and expect an answer (1John 5:14-15).

Uttering the phrase “in Jesus’ name” considers the heart’s purity, and that petitions are aligned with God’s will. Asking for silly or selfish things is unwise. Do we habitually waste God’s grace?
Serious requests that come before God’s throne in Jesus’ name confirms our anticipation for answers. We acknowledge that He understands every situation, so we’re surrendering our desires to Him—to be denied, changed, or granted—as He sees fit.

Take Home Nugget

The phrase “in Jesus’ name” taps into eternal, supernatural power. Power that is the best gift anyone could ask for when beginning a new year.

In Jesus’ name=Thy will be done.
J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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