Thursday, January 28, 2010

Light in Dysfunction

2Timothy 3:1-5, 10-17
Vv. 12-14a: “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of…”

Dysfunction (dis-FUNK-shon, meaning wrong, not right, amiss) describes the world today. According to Scripture, terrible times are coming that sound eerily familiar. Ungodliness will increase, and God’s light (of truth) will decrease.
Survival for God’s kids will become increasingly difficult in the years leading up to Christ’s return (1Thessalonians 4:16-18). In every culture, rebellion against God’s ways grows stronger. Things that were formerly condemned are gaining acceptance now. Many people continue to swallow Satan’s lies that we can live free outside God’s will.
“God’s ten commandments are too restrictive.”

“Separation of church and state means removing all evidence of God in the public forum.”

“Everyone has a right to express himself!”
Christ’s second coming will realign things to light and right. In the meantime, keeping our eyes focused on Jesus protects us from discouragement. Jesus’ return will rescue believers from this darkness, and deliver promised hope (2Timothy 2:10-13). Salvation is granted to those who believe in Jesus, and their transformation into Christ-likeness progresses one day at a time. Knowing that we’re saved, forgiven, and justified before God gives us strength to persevere through every day with joy.
What else provides us a head’s-up in this dysfunctional world?

Notice the foolishness of those living apart from Christ: they are typically the most popular and the richest people in our communities. We’re wise to avoid their influence, resist their attraction—because—their actions and choices reflect their priorities, not the Lord’s. Refrain from being sucked into their ways, for they remain outside God’s family.

Daily devotions and Bible study guide our way. God’s Word was written for ordinary people—like you and me—by ordinary people. Their pens scribed God-inspired words chosen specifically to teach, correct, and show righteous living. Problems fade when we take His Word to heart. As thoughts guide minds and hearts, Christ-saturated minds rule believers’ hearts. His light beams from our faces. Everything we say is uplifting and encouraging. Everything we do benefits others; we sow seeds of goodness.

Do you dare to be light in today’s dysfunctional world?
Take Home Nugget

2Timothy 3 lists traits that are obvious today. People are becoming increasingly more selfish, greedy, proud, and unforgiving. This yields more lying, cheating, abuse, stealing, and self-indulgence. When you see these things, remember that you represent Jesus’ light.

Boldly lead this dark world, following your beam of light that is Christ.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Light in Darkness devotion
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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