Friday, January 22, 2010

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Romans 5:1-17
V.16b: “…but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification.”
When you want to have your own way, sometimes a peaceful resolution is found by playing childhood game with your opponent: Rock, Paper, Scissors. A balled fist represents the rock. An open palm signifies paper. Two fingers symbolize scissors. On the count of three, opponents simultaneously display their choice. The winner between rock and paper is paper, because it covers rock. Between rock and scissors, rock wins by crushing scissors. Between paper and scissors, scissors wins because it cuts paper. The outcome is unquestionable, and final.

The persons of the Triune God never have to play this game to decide Who’ll come to a child’s rescue. Their roles are complementary, supportive, and in total agreement. God loves to surprise His children and offers us a surprise free gift. While every person deserves eternal death, (due to sin), God extends Jesus’ sacrificial death beyond forgiveness of sins, to what we don’t deserve: a second chance.

This second chance is the gift of grace. Grace (unconditional love) covers all repented sin. Grace maintains our justification (not-guilty) and reconciliation (reunion) status with the Father. Grace upholds the unity between the Triune Wonder-God and His wayward kids. Grace is the paper to our rock, the rock to our scissors, and the scissors to our paper. Whatever we throw at the Lord, He’s got all things under control. We cannot lose with grace covering our mistakes, goofs, misjudgments, blunders.

Although we do not deserve second chances, grace is a gift we all desperately need. We cannot rescue ourselves, and we all sin (repeatedly)—which is a death sentence. Grace is the gift that announces that our adoption into God’s family is forever (Romans 8:15).

The apostle Paul wants us to get how amazing grace is. Our belief in Jesus brings incomparable riches in grace: a new heart (2Corinthians 5:15), sufficiency, or enough (2Corinthians 12:9), new citizenship (Philippians 3:20), and much kindness (Ephesians 2:7-8). Jesus encourages us to rely on, and obey Him in total confidence (Hebrews 11:6). Obedience is how we can show Him our gratitude and reciprocate (re-SIP-ro-kate, meaning to give back) love.
Grace is the most powerful life-changing gift in the world. We’re totally secure in the immovable rock of Christ (1Corinthians 10:4).

Take Home Nugget

The sovereign Triune Wonder-God always has His way, and your paper cannot cover the rock of Christ. Believing in that rock opens up a whole new life—an abundant life that lasts forever.

Life’s trials may sometimes be too hard to face.
God’s second chance gives us power though grace

J.D. Griffith
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Written for Bible Study for Kids.

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