Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jesus Launches His Ministry

Matthew 3:13-4:23

Around age thirty, when all the other males’ parents had secured them wives, Jesus had another plan. He sought to fulfill prophecy and all the things that had been written about Him. His entire life on this earth was spent in obedience to the Father

Jesus found John at the Jordan River and asked to be baptized. John was amazed that the Son of the Living God would come to be baptized by him, a lowly peasant wearing camel’s hair tied with a belt. (Matthew 3:4).

John protested, but Jesus said, “Let it be so now, it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented to baptize his cousin, the one for whom he felt unworthy to carry sandals. (Matthew 3:11).

When Jesus came up out of the water, the Spirit of God descended like a dove and landed on Him. The heavens were opened and a voice said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with whom I am well pleased.” Ahhhh. Jesus must have smiled broadly at this.

This was Jesus’ public demonstration of “whose He is” to the world. He belongs to His Father. The same is true for us, and our baptism declares the same. Wouldn’t it be great if we were as obedience as Jesus showed us how to be?

Not only that, but after His baptism, Jesus followed the Spirit’s lead into the wilderness. He knew this was going to be a harrowing forty days. Weeks of fasting and being tempted by the devil showed Him to be without sin. This is another lesson to us—to endure what is required without complaining, but with integrity of purpose.

After this experience, Jesus began His ministry, calling the Disciples to follow Him. He knew the path that had already been preordained for Him, and He followed that path—without sin.

Take Home Nugget

We are blessed with free will to choose obedience or disobedience. Jesus could have chosen to disobey His Father.

Our Father—because He chose to give His life for us on the cross. Jesus did not rebel against His path. Thank you, Jesus, for willingly laying down Your life for us! If we knew the hardships that are in our future, would we be tempted to rebel?

Leap day comes once every four years. What will you do with this “extra” day?

Thank you for showing how to be in perfect obedience, Lord.
Never easy, our lives can be pleasing to our Father, we sigh with relief.
It’s good that no one can see into our futures; who would dare to ford
Life through times of uncertainty, doubt and disbelief?

J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Jesus Launches His Ministry
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Monday, February 25, 2008

Plan For Victory--Dependence Upon God Part 12/12

Part 12/12 Dependence Upon God
1 Samuel 17:47, Psalm 31:2
Psalm 32:8: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.”

Hear these words that David spoke to Goliath: “This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands.” (1Samuel 17:46). Now that’s confidence! Do you wonder if Goliath hesitated before making a move towards David after hearing those words? Can you hear David shouting them? This showdown between the giant and shepherd boy captivated both armies. The Israeli and Philistine armies were fascinated. Talk about front row seats!

Great victories are often made up of little accomplishments. David’s heart was set on exalting and honoring God with his life. When this is our motive, our decisions and actions will not only accomplish our personal goals but will also achieve great things for the kingdom of God.

What bold goals has God planted into your heart? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., had one audacious goal—that of racial reconciliation among the Whites and Blacks in America. His words opened doors, eyes, and hearts. (Our nation continues healing today, after our Civil War in the 1860’s.) We haven’t arrived at perfection yet, even after having elected our first African-American President, in 2008.

Even Dr. Martin Luther King, a great preacher and auditor, felt stymied. He prayed, “I am here taking a stand for what I believe is right. But, Lord, I confess that I am weak now. I am faltering. I am losing my courage, and am afraid…I am at the end of my powers…I cannot do this alone.”

At that moment, Dr. King was awash in the presence of the Divine. As never before, he felt God’s strength and power. He heard an inner voice saying, “Stand up for righteous, stand up for truth; and God will be at your side forever.” At once Dr. King’s fears left, his uncertainty disappeared, and he was ready to face anything.
We can expect to face opposition when we’re trying to do what’s right. We too, must cry out to the Lord. He alone, is our rock of refuge, a fortress of defense. He is our source of strength and protection—only a prayer away. Hallelujah!

Take Home Nugget

Memory work enables us to speak God’s Word to Him and fills us with confidence during trouble. Here’s one that works for me when I’m weak and unstable. Maybe it’ll work to get your feet back onto solid ground.

J. D. Griffith

Friday, February 22, 2008

Plan For Victory--Courage Part 11/12

PLAN FOR VICTORY—Courage Part 11/12
1 Samuel 17:46, Luke 14:29-32

We’ve talked much about David facing Goliath and, against all odds, killing him. He was ridiculed by his own brothers and dared the king to allow him to slay this giant. That’s pretty gutsy, wouldn’t you say? What would you say to one of your friends who faces a similar challenge? Would you urge him or her to stop before losing everything—to appreciate being ahead of the game? David had a chance to pause, but he didn’t even hesitate for a moment.

We also talked about gaining control of emotions and not allow the deceiver to stop you from moving forward towards your goal. We talked about not quitting, or even stopping your forward progress in achieving your goals. Consider what David said when facing this giant head on. “Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.”

Now that’s courage! That’s not false bravado or arrogance, because David KNEW God. If we allow fear to grip our heart, we will never have the courage to complete the task. The “what ifs” will haunt you at every turn throughout your entire life. The Lord Himself accepts and honors your goal when it meshes with His will. So, go out on the limb, and do what it takes to reach it. Just make sure you remain in His will every step of the way.

Take Home Nugget

It is Biblical to take time to evaluate the cost involved in reaching your goal. When you consider this factor: calculate your measurements against the Lord’s desires , standards, and will for your life—rather than by your own limited sight. The cost is not money; it’s your growth and maturity in faith. God sees the big picture, and knows exactly what lies ahead. He knows the importance of your developing trust in Him. Won’t you take that plunge and choose to trust in your God?

The goal that has gripped my heart
Is so far in the future, Lord.
The cost too high to even start.
Place Angels before me with drawn sword.

J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Plan for Victory, Part 11of 12
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Plan For Victory--Emotional Control Part 10/12

PLAN FOR VICTORY—Emotional Control Part 10/12
John 6:44-58

These devotions may sound like God is a warm genie who waits for us to rub him and ask for wishes to come true to make our lives wonderful. This is not their intention. Our awesome sovereign God, maker of heaven and earth, has extreme power.
Jesus does have a wonderful plan for our lives, but He’s not here to meet our whims. He made us to serve and reciprocate His love. For His glory. Remember, He is the potter, we are the clay. John 6 in the Bible teaches us as we study His Word that He can be offensive to some people.

We begin to understand His dismay with His fellow countrymen. They are grumbling about how can anyone eat someone’s flesh? Jesus told them that he who eats of His flesh will live, calling Himself bread. Vv 47-51. They didn’t get it. They had ears but didn’t hear correctly. What is Jesus saying?

Instead of fulfilling the selfish desires of His followers, He exceeded their limited expectations. His message was disturbing and offensive. The image of eating His flesh and drinking His blood freaked them out. They did not understand what He was saying. “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life.” Vs 54. He offered them spiritual bread from heaven. He wasn’t the Messiah-King they expected. But He was exactly that and so much more.

So much more—that is exactly what He offers us, His children. Instead, we want a Jesus who meets our selfish needs. Jesus is too big to be contained in our little box, and He thinks big when planning our lives. This wonderful life can only be found in our radical obedience to His commands.

Replace insecurity with His strength. Switch self indulgence with His open arms of love and provision. Ask Jesus to show you what His Word means. With His help, courage will allow us to act on His truth.

Take Home Nugget
Anger, fear, insecurity, bitterness and other emotions can steer us off the path that was laid by our Lord specifically for us to follow. Getting off that path means we’ll not claim His best. David’s heart was set on winning the battle and honoring God. He did not waver. Goliath taunted him but was powerless to harm him.

Holy Lord who wants for us His best
Is not a genie in a bottle, but a God of power.
Refuse the worst and embrace the rest
Above the ordinary our goals tower.

J.D. Griffith

Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Plan for Victory, Part 10 of 12
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Friday, February 15, 2008

Plan For Victory--Consistency Part 9/12

PLAN FOR VICTORY—Consistency 9/12
Matthew 5:11-16

More often than not, when people do not set deadlines, goals fail. One of the worst things we can do when moving forward is to stop. Starting again is torture. Starting again often feels like failure, so it’s usually not attempted. That’s why it’s important to be determined. Keeping eyes glued on the prize ensures our staying on course.

Discouragement is the enemy’s trick. He doesn’t hesitate using this tool to cast a net of doubt over God’s gifts. Staying focused keeps us on course. If we allow fear to grip our hearts, we’ll never have enough courage to complete the task. Be of good cheer; our Sovereign God is at the helm of our ship.

Did you ever meet a person who seems to be so stable that nothing rocks his or her personality? Despite discouragement, anger, fear of unknown, they face life with unshaken resolve. This is how the Lord wants all His children to live. Our strength is in Him. Regardless of circumstances, God is our rock. He is our anchor when storms threaten to disgorge us out of safe harbor.

Consistency—our attitude day in and day out remains the same when we’re anchored in Christ by faith. This is how we find the fortitude to march forward when times are tough. This is how come we smile when others are intimidated. We welcome adversity and trials because we have the stabilizing rock that keeps us grounded. We know that we are dearly loved and have assurance that God will see us through problems.

"Blessed are you when people insult, persecute, and falsely accuse you because of me" Jesus says. When we stand our ground amidst peer pressure, we are often ridiculed for believing in King Jesus. What an honor for us to have Jesus at our back. He maintains us on the right course day after day.

Take Home Nugget

Kids and grown-ups who follow Jesus are the salt and light of the earth. That’s a huge responsibility. Salt is useless when it loses its saltiness. Salt is a preservative that enhances flavor. So are we among others in the world. We preserve the Word and cast light into darkness. Light is useless when it’s hidden in a cave. "Let your light shine before men, so that they will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

This little light of mine
Let it shine, let it shine!
Throughout life’s trials
We emerge divine!

J.D Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Plan for Victory, Part 9 of 12
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine--a break from Victory Series to talk about true love in Christ

1 John 4:19, John 3:16

“We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 made into a favorite Sunday School song.
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on the door. If God had a wallet, your picture would be in it. You are firmly secured in His heart. He attends every day with you in school, every game you play. He sticks closer to you than a sibling, more caring than a parent. Where is God in your heart?

The best place to find love is not in another person. Check out the Bible. This book tells of God’s great love for each one of us. He even wrote you a note in the Bible. John 3:16 is His Valentine to you:

“For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
That whoever
Believes In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life.

Now that is one Valentine that beats a card, candy hearts, box of chocolates, or flowers.
He is saying to you with outstretched hand, “Will you be Mine?”

Take Home Nugget
God wants His children to have good friends and live happily. He smiles when kids play and have fun with each other. Until we invite Him into our hearts, He is on another plane. We are isolated from each other. After we accept Jesus as our Savior, He indwells our hearts. Now the plane (or playing field) is level, and we’re secure as His children forever. He is our constant companion, our mentor, our guide who has our backs. There is no better friend. He listens to our secrets and always gives us the best advice. If He lives in your heart, the give and take is on a level plane. He’s reaching down from Heaven, longing to know you intimately. I gave Him my hand; won’t you join us in our love dance?

The best place to find the Father’s love
Is to study the Bible and grasp
His hand reaching down from above
His Word into heart we clasp.

J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Valentine
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Written for

Friday, February 8, 2008

Plan For Victory--Calendar 8/12

PLAN FOR VICTORY—Calendar Part 8/12
Matthew 14:27, 2Peter 3:1-13

The liar, the great deceiver, Satan, tries to thwart our every success. Things will happen that apparently stand in our way and we will have to remain strong against opposition to our plans. It is easy to give up when the uphill struggle gets difficult. When the climb grows steep, that’s when we dig in. It’s the devil’s plan for us to give up. Don’t let him win. Be strong and courageous against his attack.

Jesus tells the disciples in Matthew, in the Bible, to be of good cheer during times of peril. “It is I, don’t be afraid.” He said calmly as the boat was being tossed about wildly in a storm. This is soothing to adults and kids today. Our boats nearly capsize, and we wonder what in the earth we’re doing. These metaphors stand true for every mountain that needs scaling to achieve goals.

The importance of achieving goals is measurable, so plot your course. It is important to define goals, and create a plan to measure progress. Remain steadfast despite all obstacles. Remember, He who is within you is greater than He who is of the world. Keeping a journal or diary marks progress. Each milestone is celebrated with a star, and seeing that in black and white helps us to remain focused, energized, and steering in the right direction.

Take Home Nugget

Holy Father, remember me in my quaking shoes and place my feet on solid ground. I choose to trust in my sovereign God, Who made heaven and earth. You know my goals and I thank You for keeping me strong in achieving them. To You be the glory and honor attributed to completing the task that is before me. Your will be done, Lord, and I thank you for seeing me across the finish line into victory in Jesus’ name! AMEN

Jesus walked on water to calm His men;
He continues to work miracles today.
With all our strife and trials assailing
He keeps the tempest and storms at bay.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Plan for Victory, Part 8 of 12
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Plan For Victory--Surrender Part 7/12

PLAN FOR VICTORY—Surrender Part 7/12
Psalm 17:6-8, Matthew 16:21-28, Habakkuk 2:2

People enjoy being self-sufficient. As we saw previously, people that learn to do things all by themselves gain confidence. This gives us a feeling of satisfaction. Life is better; we feel happy—with ourselves and with our growing progress.

No man is an island, however. As soon as we get cocky about our accomplishments, they become a noose around our necks. Everybody needs other people; sometimes for encouragement, other times for assistance. When pride governs us, others notice. They are not so eager to help us after we boast our accomplishments for the world to notice.

God notices when we get too big for our britches. He grieves losing intimacy with us. He knows the plans He has for us, but if we don’t seek Him, we lose His best. Regardless of what goals we choose to strive for, God is eager to guide and provide.

We pray to God to provide that for which we long, and He longs to bless us with gifts. When we acknowledge His sovereignty, praise Him for blessings received, and live with a grateful attitude, we’re on the right path of attaining victory. The only thing missing is surrender.

Give yourself to the Lord and seek His guidance in develping a plan. Objectives should be written out and submitted to Him. He “hears” prayers in the written word. People who write in journals, pour out to Him prayers of want, repent of wrongs, and list hopes and dreams. In Habakkuk in the Bible, God tells us to write it down!

Dying to live sounds counter-intuitive, but it is the heart of the Christian life. “Whosoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Until we give every area of our lives to Christ, we will never experience the true success that the Father wants for us. (His Best!) Show me Your ways, O Lord. Teach me Your paths. Guide me in Your truth and teach me.

Take Home Nugget
Surrendering to Christ is way different than allowing the playground bully to taunt and beat you. Surrendering to our God is closer to obeying parents and following their directions. They, like God, want only the best for us. Is it pride that stands in the way of receiving the best? He knows our hearts and won’t lead us anywhere that disappoints. That’s what we’re afraid of, isn’t it? I promise you that where God leads, you’ll be delighted. It’ll fit you to a perfect “T”.

Take my heart Lord and lead me.
Take my life and show me.
Take my mind and fill it
With joys you want me to see.

J.D. Griffith

Friday, February 1, 2008

Plan For Victory--Confidence Part 6/12

PLAN FOR VICTORY 6/12--Confidence
Philippians 3:7-9

Confidence is learned behavior. It begins with parents allowing kids to do things without hovering over them to initiate, direct, teach. Around age six, children are determined to attempt doing things on their own. As our awareness grows, so does our confidence. With each successful venture won, we grow bold. Soon, we’re reaching out farther than is safe for our own good.

Childhood is that kind of cat and mouse experience. We attempt something more than that for which we’re given permission, and we’re reeled back in to protect us from harm. Crossing streets, riding bikes or all-terrain vehicles, playing sports, learning musical instruments are fun activities that teach us confidence in our abilities. It takes years to do what our eyes show is possible by watching older people. Learning and growing doesn’t stop when you become an adult.

We study, reach, and attain goals. We’re never satisfied for long when we have that for which our hearts yeaned. What’s the point? What will satisfy us in the long haul? Many people have a wall filled with degrees, diplomas, certificates. Proud accomplishment teems within them. Pride bubbles forth onto the surface of their confident exterior.

Clearly, many people’s confidence is in themselves rather than in Christ. Paul had the right pedigree of a learned scholar. In Biblical times, he was a member of the Sanhedrin.
People revered these men of God. He enjoyed the perks of honor. Then he found Jesus. (Acts 9:1-11)

Jesus asked Paul why he was persecuting Him. Paul was left blind after his epiphany on the road. Paul did a 180 degree turn around. His name was changed from Saul to Paul. Many did not trust him afterwards because of his reputation for persecuting Christians. (Acts 8:1-3).

Paul says in Philippians, “Whatever was my profit, I now consider a loss for the sake of Christ…I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ… not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ and may be found in Him.”

WOW—did he really mean that?

Take home Nugget

If we try attaining goals apart from Christ, (on our own), we will fail. It is through Him that we find success. He is proud of us, so when we puff out our chests, remember who’s really responsible. What we accomplish on our own is rubbish.
If we want to be partners with Christ, we’ll get the recognition and He’ll get the glory. Then we can give Him our recognition in thanks. Win-Win situation. And through Him, our goals will not lose their luster. Our confidence is in Him and our success is for the kingdom of God. Now that’s something to cheer about.

Hard work, concentrated effort, goals attained
Cannot compare to knowing our Lord.
Through Him all efforts are sustained
And we bow to Him for our reward.

J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Plan for Victory, Part 6 of 12
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