Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Plan For Victory--Surrender Part 7/12

PLAN FOR VICTORY—Surrender Part 7/12
Psalm 17:6-8, Matthew 16:21-28, Habakkuk 2:2

People enjoy being self-sufficient. As we saw previously, people that learn to do things all by themselves gain confidence. This gives us a feeling of satisfaction. Life is better; we feel happy—with ourselves and with our growing progress.

No man is an island, however. As soon as we get cocky about our accomplishments, they become a noose around our necks. Everybody needs other people; sometimes for encouragement, other times for assistance. When pride governs us, others notice. They are not so eager to help us after we boast our accomplishments for the world to notice.

God notices when we get too big for our britches. He grieves losing intimacy with us. He knows the plans He has for us, but if we don’t seek Him, we lose His best. Regardless of what goals we choose to strive for, God is eager to guide and provide.

We pray to God to provide that for which we long, and He longs to bless us with gifts. When we acknowledge His sovereignty, praise Him for blessings received, and live with a grateful attitude, we’re on the right path of attaining victory. The only thing missing is surrender.

Give yourself to the Lord and seek His guidance in develping a plan. Objectives should be written out and submitted to Him. He “hears” prayers in the written word. People who write in journals, pour out to Him prayers of want, repent of wrongs, and list hopes and dreams. In Habakkuk in the Bible, God tells us to write it down!

Dying to live sounds counter-intuitive, but it is the heart of the Christian life. “Whosoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Until we give every area of our lives to Christ, we will never experience the true success that the Father wants for us. (His Best!) Show me Your ways, O Lord. Teach me Your paths. Guide me in Your truth and teach me.

Take Home Nugget
Surrendering to Christ is way different than allowing the playground bully to taunt and beat you. Surrendering to our God is closer to obeying parents and following their directions. They, like God, want only the best for us. Is it pride that stands in the way of receiving the best? He knows our hearts and won’t lead us anywhere that disappoints. That’s what we’re afraid of, isn’t it? I promise you that where God leads, you’ll be delighted. It’ll fit you to a perfect “T”.

Take my heart Lord and lead me.
Take my life and show me.
Take my mind and fill it
With joys you want me to see.

J.D. Griffith

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