Friday, February 15, 2008

Plan For Victory--Consistency Part 9/12

PLAN FOR VICTORY—Consistency 9/12
Matthew 5:11-16

More often than not, when people do not set deadlines, goals fail. One of the worst things we can do when moving forward is to stop. Starting again is torture. Starting again often feels like failure, so it’s usually not attempted. That’s why it’s important to be determined. Keeping eyes glued on the prize ensures our staying on course.

Discouragement is the enemy’s trick. He doesn’t hesitate using this tool to cast a net of doubt over God’s gifts. Staying focused keeps us on course. If we allow fear to grip our hearts, we’ll never have enough courage to complete the task. Be of good cheer; our Sovereign God is at the helm of our ship.

Did you ever meet a person who seems to be so stable that nothing rocks his or her personality? Despite discouragement, anger, fear of unknown, they face life with unshaken resolve. This is how the Lord wants all His children to live. Our strength is in Him. Regardless of circumstances, God is our rock. He is our anchor when storms threaten to disgorge us out of safe harbor.

Consistency—our attitude day in and day out remains the same when we’re anchored in Christ by faith. This is how we find the fortitude to march forward when times are tough. This is how come we smile when others are intimidated. We welcome adversity and trials because we have the stabilizing rock that keeps us grounded. We know that we are dearly loved and have assurance that God will see us through problems.

"Blessed are you when people insult, persecute, and falsely accuse you because of me" Jesus says. When we stand our ground amidst peer pressure, we are often ridiculed for believing in King Jesus. What an honor for us to have Jesus at our back. He maintains us on the right course day after day.

Take Home Nugget

Kids and grown-ups who follow Jesus are the salt and light of the earth. That’s a huge responsibility. Salt is useless when it loses its saltiness. Salt is a preservative that enhances flavor. So are we among others in the world. We preserve the Word and cast light into darkness. Light is useless when it’s hidden in a cave. "Let your light shine before men, so that they will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

This little light of mine
Let it shine, let it shine!
Throughout life’s trials
We emerge divine!

J.D Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Plan for Victory, Part 9 of 12
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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