Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Where is He Who is Born as King?


Matthew 2:2:  “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? ...”

            So calm.  So matter-of-fact.  So, how come you don’t already know?  Wouldn’t you have loved being present when the Magi faced King Herod when announcing their mission coming to Jerusalem—and then watch him freak out?  Scholars often get caught up in their own world.  People in the “real world” aren’t even a blip on a scholar’s radar.    
            With their languages being light-years apart, it’s a wonder that these two worlds can even communicate.  But King Herod heard “king of the Jews” loudly and clearly.  He knew that they weren’t talking about him! 

            How come Herod’s scribes and chief priests, whose whole existence is Scripture-immersed, didn’t give Herod a “heads-up” warning?  Can you imagine Herod’s bulging neck veins when he confronted them and they admitted, “Yeah, Bethlehem, in Judah, what’s the big deal?”
            Maybe they read Micah 5:2 to Herod, “But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be shepherd of My people Israel.” 
            The years preceding Jesus were a dark time for Israel.  And before God’s light would shine into their world, it would get even darker.  If Israel thought they suffered under Roman oppression, they hadn’t seen anything yet. 
            Herod’s fury would not quench until every child two years and under was killed.  He ordered hundreds killed just to blot out that one baby who is born to unseat him as king.  He groped around the darkness of his self-made prison, lashing out at every imagined threat. 
            How their question haunted Herod!  “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?”

            Many people today exist this way.  Whatever or whomever is their god, shines no light into their dark world.  Where is He who is born King in their lives?  Who, and where is their Lord?  We might ask ourselves that same question when we’re down and out. 
            Who can predict where God’s Spirit leads?  Who understands the depth of love our Heavenly Father has for His children?  Have we yet reached the point that apostle Paul bewailed in Romans 7:24, “Who will rescue me from this body of death?”

Take Home Nugget

            Only Jesus can.  Only He got a new star as a heavenly birth announcement.  Only He got a chorus of angelic hosts worshipping His birth.  Only He humbled Himself to come as a man.  Only He suffered and died for human sin.  Only He is the One who was born to be King. 
Be King of my life, Jesus.  You were born to be my Lord, King Jesus!

This devotion is adapted from We Saw His Star from 2015 Advent Devotions. Lutheran Indian Ministries. Sternbeck.  December 24, 2015. Wisconsin. 
J.D. Griffith

                   Written for http://www.Biblestudyforkids.com  

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