Friday, July 31, 2015

My Father's World


Part twelve of fifteen devotions in Heaven Enchantment Series

Genesis 1:28:  “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.  Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every creature that moves on the ground.’”



            God’s first managers were Adam and Eve.  Jesus came as the second Adam.  His church—all covenant people—is His bride.  Beginning with Abraham in Genesis 12:1, 7, every believer in Christ is Abraham’s seed (Gal 3:29). 

            “So you…are a son; God has made you also an heir.” (Galatians 4:7).  Daniel 12:1 and 13 promises that His heirs are promised their allotted inheritance in Daniel 12:1, 13. 

            Believers are children of the King—God the Father.  Kings rule over kingdoms.  A kingdom consists of:  citizens to be ruled, their culture, and land.  Culture [KUL-chur] means what is specific to a place of origin: beliefs, values, art, music, literature, traditions, and customs.

            Fallen humanity’s culture is worldly.  But believers’ culture is godly.  Titus 2:12 says the grace of God “teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.”  Romans 6:13 urges believers to “offer the parts of your body to Him as instruments of righteousness,” in contrast to worldly culture.    


            Jesus is not a created being.  As both 100% God and 100% human, only His shed blood and sacrifice on the cross has the power to redeem.  Redeem means to free, rescue, save and restore. Jesus triumphed as “the Lion of Judah” (Revelation 5:5) and reigns as the “Root of David” (Revelation 22:16).  He ascended back to heaven “with all authority” (Matthew 28:18).    

            Only triumphant Jesus could take the scroll from the one on the throne and open its seals from Revelation 5:7, 9-10: “With Your blood You purchased men for God from every tribe and nation and people and nation.  You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on earth.”

            Psalm 22:28 says, “for dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over all the nations.”  Dominion is both land and authority.  

            Every believer will own land, property where we can settle down and rule with authority on New Earth. 

Take Home Nugget

            Christ will rule with authority over all nations of earth as head of the human race (Psalm 72:8, 11).  Jesus and His co-heirs will fill the New Earth and at last manage what was first entrusted to Adam and Eve.  Revelation 22:5b says, “and they will reign forever and ever.”       

This is my Father’s world. O let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father’s world: the battle is not done:
Jesus Who died shall be satisfied,
And earth and Heav’n be one. 

This devotion is adapted from Heaven. Chapter 20, “What Does God’s eternal Kingdom involve?”; Subtitle1 “Didn’t Jesus Say His Kingdom Wasn’t Earthly?”; Subtitle2  “Jesus, Worthy King of New Earth”; Subtitle3  “The Importance of Land”; Subtitle4  “The Goal of History”; Chapter 21, “Will We Actually Rule with Christ?”.  Alcorn, Randy.  © 2004. Tyndale House of Publishers, Inc.  Illinois.   


J.D. Griffith


                   Written for

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