Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Curse Compensation


Part seven of fifteen devotions in Heaven Enchantment Series

Genesis 3:14-19 

Genesis 3:17-19:  “To Adam He said, ‘Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.  It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.  By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.’”


            Compensation [com-pen-SA-shon] means payment for damages done.  

            Why is the “Curse” sin?  There was only one tree from which Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—or God says in Genesis 2:16-17 that they would die.  (Did eternal beings even understand death?)  Check out Genesis 3:1-9:

            Satan, disguised as a snake, asked Eve if she could eat from every tree in the Garden.  Eve confessed the one tree in the middle of the garden from which she may not eat.

            The devil challenged what God said, insisting that she wouldn’t die!  Instead, she’d be like God, knowing good and evil.  Eve decided that she would like that.  The fruit looked good.  She bit into it, and didn’t “die.”  She handed the fruit to Adam.  


            Creation held its breath.  Adam ate the fruit.  Eden perfection vaporized.


            The sin exposed naked bodies as the Curse began infecting everything.  Their “death” was now certain (Romans 6:23).  The Father called to Adam, who was busy making fig-leaf clothes.  God patiently listened to Adam and Eve’s finger-pointing explanations.  “She said he said, so she did…she said, he did…” 

            God’s attributes—characteristics that make Him God—never change.  God is just. That means that God is fair and always correct.  The Father   expected that sin would eventually infect Earth.  For Jesus witnessed “Satan fall like lightening from heaven.” (Luke 10:18).       

            Genesis 3:14-19 showed that the Father was prepared:
            He cursed the snake.  It must crawl on its belly and eat dust its whole life.

            He judged Eve.  She must endure pain in childbirth, and desire only her husband, who’ll rule over her.

            He cursed the ground.  It must make man work hard through thorns and thistles, by the sweat of his brow he’d grow food.  

            He judged Adam.  He must work hard to support his family, and then die. 

             God did not curse His children.  Our heavenly Father already had a plan to compensate for the Curse.  It was perfect.

Take Home Nugget                          

            God’s plan for Curse compensation was to offer His kids eternal life!  First, death had to be defeated, then Paradise restored.   See the lesson linked below that supports God’s Son Jesus’ divine ancestry.

God does not curse you, but offers Jesus to overcome the Curse.
This devotion is adapted from Heaven. Chapter 10, “What Will it Mean for the Curse to Be Lifted?”  Alcorn, Randy.  © 2004. Tyndale House of Publishers, Inc.  Illinois.   

J.D. Griffith

                   Written for http://www.Biblestudyforkids.com

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