Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Body!


1 Corinthians 6:12, 19-20

1 Corinthians 6:19:  “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.”

            “Leave me alone!  This is MY body!” Kristy shouted to a lifeguard at the swimming pool. 
            He snatched away the knife she was using to cut her arm.  “Not on MY watch.  You’re too pretty, and too smart for this!”

            “I’m not pretty,” Kristy insisted.

            Ten year old Cassie rushed over, “I hear how the guys around the pool talk about you,” admitting, “I’m a little jealous!  Why do you cut yourself?”

            Kristy began crying.  Cassie put her arm around her as Kristy began her tale.  “Dad crawled into my bed last night…it’s too awful!” 

            Family members can hurt each other.  That is not how God intended people—especially a family—to act towards one another.  Family is supposed to be safe.  Family is where kids are loved and protected.  Kristy’s dad crossed the line from love to abuse.  Every sin has consequences—he must pay the penalty for how he treated his daughter.

            People think that they can act any way they want to.  But when people don’t know God, or have a relationship with Jesus, they think they can get away with anything.   Wrong actions always cost people dearly.  Kristy’s body does not belong to her dad, or even to her!  People’s bodies belong to God! 

            Kristy cuts herself because she feels unworthy of love.  She feels dirty, like scum.  There are both government and divine laws against abuse.  Everyone is worthy of love.  God loves every person He creates; He creates people in His own image!   (Genesis 1:26-27).

               Apostle Paul tells how we’re to treat our own bodies like God intended in the lesson, linked below.  We’re to honor our bodies.  Eating right, getting exercise and plenty of sleep are how to live a full life. 

            The flip side: There is always a penalty we pay for mistreating our bodies.  God will destroy those who destroy His temple—your body!   (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).

            This sin may even affect the next generation.  Drug abuse, overeating or sinful misconduct can show up in our kids’ lives!  How could we ever explain that?  

Take Home Nugget

            A social worker took Kristy home from the pool, and her dad was arrested.  Cassie promised Kristy, “I’ll always be here for you!”

            Kristy’s dad went to jail and would never be alone with Kristy again.  Kristy and Cassie became good friends—even going to church together.  Kristy learned that Jesus loves her more than any person can.  Kristy began healing that summer.

How I treat my body will either cost or reward me.
             J.D. Griffith

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