Friday, May 3, 2013

Eye on the Ball (Dealing with Criticism and Conflict)


(Dealing with Criticism and Conflict)

Philippians 1:12-29

Verse 27-28: “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.”

“Here’s a different quill, Paul.” the jailer said, handing him a freshly plucked goose feather. “What’s so urgent that you’re frantically writing letters day after day?”

“Thank you!” Apostle Paul said, smiling. He stroked the feathered quill, then loaded it with new ink. “I’m sending messages to the church I began in Philippi. Hopi, you have no idea how fast people drift away from loving each other!”

“What their problem?” Hopi asked.

“Apparently, preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles sparked a war!” Paul put his hands over his face. “Leading a church is like parenting bad children!” he confessed to his jailer. “Their angry quarrelling exploded into tense conflict. Some aren’t even speaking to those who oppose their view!
“This is not how Christians show Christ’s love to the world. I write frantically quoting Scripture that shows them God’s grace. God’s grace flows out to believers who’re redeemed by Christ’s shed blood. Grace is infinite love, shown by God’s infinite kindness and goodness,” Paul explained. “And grace is another thing they don’t get!”

“What don’t they get about grace?” Hopi asked.

“They won’t let the law go, Hopi! Salvation comes from believing in Jesus; not by obeying the law. They want to EARN salvation! It just doesn’t work that way. Christ’s death is the last sacrifice for forgiveness of sins. His shed blood on the cross paid our sin debt in full.
“So, who cares that others preach this saving gospel of Christ? Christ is being spread around the world—and that’s what counts!”

Hopi said, “Oh, they lost sight of the gospel ball.”

Paul clapped Hopi on the back. “That’s exactly right! They need to keep their eyes on preaching Christ. Christ’s gospel is the ball that we’re throwing around the world!”

Take Home Nugget

Paul’s jailers learned about Jesus. Paul was not free to visit the church that was in trouble, but he never stopped preaching. Paul’s positive attitude reminded the people how to keep their eyes on the ball of showing the world the risen Savior.

Like Apostle Paul, we too, are just passing through. But while here, we have a God-sized job to do.

J.D. Griffith

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