Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Jailer's Intrigue


First of Three in Restored by Grace devotional series

Luke 15:11-24

Verse 18: “I will set out and go back to my Father and say to him: ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.’”

Apostle Paul was in prison (again). One jailer named Hopi befriended Paul. He brought Paul a new quill, so that he could write letters. Paul’s letters in the Bible are called epistles. Most epistles went to the churches Paul founded, and to his “brothers” in Christ, like Timothy and Titus.

Hopi challenged Paul, “I am proud to be a free, independent man. How did you, a (former) Pharisee, become chained to this Jesus? (See Eyes on the Ball devotion). You’re not free, Paul, you’re in prison!”

Paul smiled. He said, “You’re right that I am in chains for Christ. But you’re wrong that I am not free! Jesus says, ‘So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’” (John 8:36). “You see, I used to persecute Christians. Then Jesus called me out, and I learned that He really IS the Son of God! He died for me; and I owe Him everything.”

“I’m in chains to no one!” Hopi said.

Paul placed a hand on Hopi’s shoulder. “Ha. You just don’t realize it. Let me tell you a story.”

“A story?” Hopi wondered.

Paul began, “There was once a boy who was son to a very rich man. One day he asked his dad for his inheritance so that he could go out and see the world.” (You know how some people are restless, before settling down?) “Well, the dad gave him his inheritance, and he took off.”

“What did the boy find?” Hopi asked.

“Truth, Hopi.” Paul said. “After partying away all the money, the boy was broke. And hungry. So he got a job slopping pigs. He drooled over the pig’s corn cobs, he was so hungry. Then he figured it out.”

“Did he get a better job?” Hopi asked.

“Nope. He rode home to apologize to his dad.”

“That was the wrong thing to do.” Hopi was sure.

“You’re wrong, Hopi. It was the best thing he could have done!” Paul said. “His dad ran out to greet his son; he was so glad to see him return! He got the servants to dress him in the best clothes, and threw his son a banquet.”

“WOW! That’s the kind of dad I want.” Hopi confessed.

Take Home Nugget

“Now you’re getting it, Hopi. Let me introduce you to Jesus. When you believe in Him, you’ll be a son of the Father, too!” Paul said.

Those who think they’re free are really in chains. Those who are in chains to Christ, are free indeed.

J.D. Griffith

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Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com

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