Friday, April 12, 2013

Faith Says, "Have a Nice day!"


John 14:27

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

“I am so scared!” Tiffany admitted to Missy and Cassie, her fifth grade classmates at recess. “My dad lost his job, and now we’ve got to move!”

“Oh no!” Cassie exclaimed. She threw her arms around Tiffany. “I am so sorry to hear that.” Cassie looked at Missy, whose eyes misted up. “Missy, tell us how you survived last year.”

Missy swallowed hard, and looked away. When she looked back, she dashed away tears. “I remember it like it was yesterday, Tiffany. I was devastated when my dad lost his job.” (See Work of Honor—Privilege of Prayer devotional series posted in September, 2012.) “Remember how you prayed for me at recess, Cassie?” Missy asked.

“That’s right!” Cassie exclaimed. “We didn’t waste any time. We prayed for Missy’s dad to get another job right away. And after a couple weeks, God brought him a job. They got to stay in their home. Right, Missy?”

“Yes,” Missy said. Moving closer, she placed her arms over Cassie’s hugging Tiffany. “We thought that we’d have to move, too. But God answered prayers, and we kept our home! We will pray for you, too. Would that be OK?” Missy whispered.

Tiffany didn’t move, but mumbled, “OK.”

Cassie began, “Heavenly Father, you can do anything! Please bring Tiffany’s dad a new job right now. Tiffany is scared. They could lose their home. Please help Tiffany, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

“You have faith in Jesus, don’t you, Tiffany?” Missy asked as she and Cassie released their hug.

Tiffany nodded her head, sniffing back tears. She said, “That was beautiful. I feel light, even happy now! I believe that God will help us stay in our home. Thank you for caring so much.”

“So, what do you want to play? Recess will be over soon.” Cassie reminded them.

Tiffany giggled her response, “Let’s play four-square!”

Take Home Nugget

Jesus promises believers His peace in the opening Scripture. He wants us to never be troubled, or afraid. Jesus handles every problem that believers pray to Him asking for help. His peace is for real. Tiffany’s faith in Jesus knocked out her fear, and replaced it with joy.
Trust your faith in Jesus, who’ll combat every trouble. Release your fear and hear faith say, “Have a nice day.” Jesus’ peace brings joy because God wants happy kids.

Check out the lesson, linked below, to see how you can have nice days during troubling times.

Faith in Jesus gives believers His peace—that replaces fear with joy.

J.D. Griffith

Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Faith Says

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