Thursday, July 16, 2009

True Success

Luke 12:13-21
V. 15: “Then He said to them [the crowd], ‘Watch out! Be on guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’”

Cassie stuffed her bike’s basket full with brand new trinkets, then took off. Happiness gurgled from inside her heart as she pedaled to Ginny’s house. “Hi Cassie!” Ginny called, from her front porch.

“I just wanted you to have first choice of this stuff.” Cassie said.

“What?” Ginny asked, “Why are you giving away your stuff?”

Shrugging her shoulders, Cassie said, “Just because...I have so much—way more than I need, or could ever use.” She looked into Ginny’s eyes, and smiled. “See anything you like?”

Ginny, wide-eyed, sifted through the pile of stuff with her hand. Finally she chose a makeup compact. “May I have this, Cassie?”

“Yes! That’s a great selection, Ginny!” Cassie applauded. “I hope that it helps you feel as pretty as you truly are. Going to find our other friends now. Bye Ginny, see you later.” Cassie climbed aboard her bike. Grinning ear-to-ear, she pedaled fast.
“Thank you, Cassie!” Ginny yelled, waving good-bye.

Cassie made the same offer to her other friends. Every girl was tickled, delighted with their selections. Lipstick tubes, eye makeup, lip gloss, rings, bracelets, necklaces, and hair accessories disappeared within the hour.

After Cassie’s humiliation at the pool, she reprioritized her life. (See184 dev Things God Hates). Wealth does not equal success. Just because Cassie’s family is rich does not entitle her to personal success. True success means becoming who God created you to be, and do the work that He predetermined you to accomplish. (Ephesians 1:4, 2:10).

Being rich means nothing to God—everything comes from Him and belongs to Him. We are mere stewards of His blessings. Accumulating lots of stuff affects rich and poor alike. But when amassing “stuff” becomes our top priority, materialism takes on a new role: that of idolatry.
Then we’ve succumbed to the foolishness of greed. This shows distrust in God’s sovereignty.
Would you dare distrust God’s power and control?

True success is not found in wealth, or stuff, but in whom is found to be faithful—Almighty God.

Take Home Nugget

How did Cassie know that giving away her stuff breaks the grip of greed? She is learning to trust in and obey God. By sharing her earthly treasures, she is storing eternal treasure in Heaven, and ascending the ladder to true success.

Eternal blessing is measured in a relationship with Jesus. When Christ is our top priority, true success comes from prosperity in Heavenly treasure.

J.D. Griffith
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