Monday, July 27, 2009

Belief Stand

1 Peter 3:13-16
V. 15: “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.”

“I can return to the pool today, Dad.” Jesse announced.

“Your suspension over?”

“Yeah. I’m ready for a swim—after a three-week heat wave.”

“What have you learned, Son?”

Jesse blew out a lungful of air, and looked squarely into his Dad’s eyes. “I acted like an idiot, Dad. Cassie didn’t deserve to be humiliated like that.” (See 184 Devotion Things God Hates).

“Your suspension was the pool’s punishment. Mine was your maintaining the yards, and Mom gave you plenty to do around the house.”

“She sure did. I know how to clean and cook, now!” Jesse admitted, smiling.

Jesse’s Dad threw his head back, laughing out loud. “That could come in handy!” he said. “But more importantly, you endured your punishment cheerfully…Will you ever resort to this kind of mischief again?”

“No way, Dad!”

“So, you’ll behave like a young man, instead of a thug from now on? How did remain happy these weeks?”

“Jesus replaced embarrassment with hope when I repented, Dad. I won’t mess up again.”

It’s been said, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Your belief system matters tremendously in how you address life, because it is the foundation of your character, conduct, and decisions. Our salvation depends on what we believe.

The person who trusts God and follows Jesus, believes in the promise of heaven—and acts accordingly. This person will live with a purpose, whose lifestyle mirrors obedience, faith, and responsibility. Jesus says indisputably in John 8:24, “Unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”

The world’s cynicism confronts believers' belief stand every day. Often we’re afraid to challenge the status quo. (Status quo is the current condition of things.) Friends often challenge others to push living to the edge. Have you heard the phrase, “there’s no purpose of living if you can’t feel alive?”

Believers have boundaries. Our conscience warns us not to cross these limits, and make a stand for right living.

Take Home Nugget

“May I go to the pool today?” Jesse asked his Dad.

“One condition: apologize to Cassie—and mean it. If she is not at the pool, come home. If she forgives you, swim for two hours, then come home.”

“But Dad, I already apologized to Cassie, remember?”

“I want you to hear from her own mouth that she forgives you, Son.”

Everyone will fall into temptation when not standing against sin.

J.D. Griffith
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