Monday, January 21, 2008

Plan For Victory--Setting Godly Goals 3/12

PLAN FOR VICTORY—Setting Godly Goals Part 3/12
1 Samuel 17:40-50, Philippians 2:15, 3:12-21

In setting goals we saw previously that selfish motives are not honored by God. David is a good example for us to follow. David was anointed king of Israel, but didn’t seek position or status. His love for the Lord was his motivation. His objective was to honor God. This too, is often the difference between success and failure for us when we set goals.

Goal setting is tricky business. Intuitively we should ignore goals that are self-seeking and concentrate on goals that increase the work of God’s kingdom. This can be many things—from a desire to teach others, heal others, lead others, to various other kinds of service.
God rewarded my goal of seeking to be an analytical chemist to work in research and development. This advanced improvements for products made by several companies. I often announced that I had the best job in the whole world! That was not to brag, but to show my delight in serving the way that was my choice.

God blended my gift of love of science to serving others in a profitable way. See how God responds to each person’s desires? God planted desires and talents into our very being, and He is glorified by our diversity.

You might ask, “Will I like the plans God has for me?”

The answer is a resounding “YES!” The Lord’s plans for each person is awesome—far beyond what we can imagine. They overflow with blessing and hope. (Ephesians 3:20). When we tap into His dreams for our lives, we learn how to set Godly priorities which lead to fulfillment and joy.

Take home Nugget
It seems to go against our grain to submit ourselves to another. We have a right to be the person who we are with no strings attached. Right?
Submitting ourselves to the Father is not the same thing as submitting ourselves to a person. Our Father made us and gave us life—a life that was bought at a high price, the death of His Son, Jesus Christ. We have the choice because the Father also gave us free will.

Choosing to follow God is the smart way to live our lives. This is victory in the making, and isn’t that what our goal is—to live victoriously? That’s our Father’s goal for us, too. What a teammate God is!

Holy Father, You are the maker of the heavens and the earth, the stars in the sky—how wondrous are Your works! Please lead me into the path that is pleasing to You and fulfills my greatest desires. I want what is best in my life and to reap your abundant blessings so that my life is one of victory. Thank you for this privilege of finding You wherever I look. You make it simple, I make it hard. Please bless me as I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen

J.D. Griffith

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