Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Another Thank-You

Luke 17:11-19, II Corinthians 9:15
Luke 17:15: “One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice.”

We groan when having to write thank-you letters after receiving gifts. Then it hits us—we have much to be thankful for. What is wrong with taking the time to acknowledge the gift giver’s generous present? Nothing. God looks forward to our thanks, and blesses us when we remember to thank Him.

Jesus wondered about the other men who were cleansed of their leprosy when one returned to say, “Thank you.”
Where are the other nine?” Jesus inquired. (Luke 17:17).
Don’t let that be you. I sure don’t want that to be me.

Jesus wonders where our gratitude is when we forget to let Him know how thankful we are for all His provisions. It is not hard to do. It takes practically no time, and little effort. But remembering to thank God is one thing that slips our minds--until we’re in a jam and He bails us out—then we say our thanks freely.

Whew! That was close. Thank you, God. We breathe a prayer glancing skywards. Is that enough? Maybe. What is in your heart?

We do expect good manners from our peers. We never appreciate being taken advantage of. When someone has a request, we try to accommodate it, don’t we? Sometimes it’s easy to accomplish, and sometimes it’s hard to do. Regardless of the time and effort we expend, we appreciate a simple thank-you, don’t we?

How much more do we owe thanks to our Father in Heaven? He has offered His own Son as a sacrifice so that our sins are forgiven. God has provided us security, peace and joy through Jesus. We can bring all our burdens to Him and leave them at His feet. What freedom!
That alone is worth saying Thank-you for. Agreed?

Take Home Nugget
Living in a state of gratitude is learned behavior. It is so worthwhile, with God ready to bless His children every day in so many ways. Don’t allow fear, anger, jealousy or any other destructive emotion rob you of God’s showering you with blessings. Our Father wants His children to reap the best and live victoriously. Won’t you seek Him and learn more by reading your Bible every day? He’ll be so pleased that you care enough to learn about Him that He’ll bless you abundantly.

Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.” (2Corinthians 9:15)
A prayer and a smile gets us through each rift.
A sincerely thankful heart
Reaps blessings from the start.

J.D. Griffith
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