Friday, July 6, 2018

Bloody Wash Cycle

Kingdom Kids devotions authorize Jesus’ LORDship over our lives.

1 John 1:7: “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.” 

            Interdependence devotion posted July 3, 2018.  It said, “Only Jesus cleanses people from unrighteousness.”  Believers-in-Christ depend on Jesus daily.  Are we grateful that His blood purifies, or cleanses us once?  Twice?  If we’re lucky, maybe three times a day?

            Apostle John used Greek to write the opening Scripture that includes, “cleanses us from all sin.”  The Greek verb cleanses means continuous action right now.  The Greek language uses specific words that assign exact meaning.  This means that for whomever believes in Jesus, His blood always purifies them from EVERY sin. 

            This sounds like our hearts, mouths and hands are continuously being spun in Jesus’ bloody wash cycle.

            Have you learned that the English language identifies specific phrases as a   present participle?  A participle ends in i-n-g.  For example in Revelation 22:12a, Jesus says, “Behold, I am coming soon!” 

            Because Jesus said that “He is”, the participle “coming” is present tense.  He could have said, “I was coming”, in which case the phrase would be a past (tense) participle.  Or, Jesus could have said, “I will be coming”, where the phrase would be a future (tense) participle.   

            Like the Greek verb cleansing here means an ongoing operation, the English present participle also means that Jesus is on His way all the time.

            That is awesome news! 

            The devil, or accuser, always whispers in Believers’ ears that we’re too bad, too dirty or not qualified or to be Christian.  When his lies seem to make sense and we tend to agree with him, let’s remember Jesus’ bloody wash cycle where we remain glisteningly pure.
            Consider that we’re Jesus’ light to the world.  If we’re truly with Jesus, we’re connected to the vine of Christ.  Revelation 12:11 assures us that we overcome the devil by Jesus’ blood and the Bible’s testimony.  Check out the lesson linked below for Jesus’ words of truth so you’ll know what to shout back to the accuser!

Take Home Nugget

            Believers can rest daily.  Regardless of incidental sin, we’re purified 24/7 in Jesus’ bloody wash cycle!    We’re always forgiven and always the light of the world. 

            Feeling bad because the accuser reminds of past sin?  Do you recognize that makes us idols of self-righteousness?  So let that sin go.  It’s been forgiven, anyway.  Jesus’ bloody wash cycle means that we’re redeemed forever with everlasting righteousness!

Holy Father, thank You for sending Jesus to us so that we can be eternally saved and continuously purified in His wash cycle of blood!  Amen. 

Adapted from “Jesus’ Blood Keeps on Cleansing You” by Joseph Prince.  January 4, 2018.
J.D. Griffith

 For a personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Latest Christmas eBook by J.D. Griffith:  

  This eBook shows Mary’s adventure traveling to Bethlehem right before Jesus’ birth.   This Biblical fantasy weaves supernatural delight into facts surrounding His birth. 

Here’s another eBook by J.D. Griffith:  

Twelve-year-old Jeremy befriends “Aunt” Rita when lured up her front steps after football practice one fall day.  Her piano music isn’t the only thing that makes Rita especially different.  She is intrigued by Jeremy.  God uses Aunt Rita to transform Jeremy into a true follower of Christ. 


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