Matthew 9:2-4, Luke 6:14-16
Luke 6:13: “When morning came, He [Jesus] called His disciples to Him, and chose twelve of them, whom He also designated apostles.”
Matthew 9:2-4, Luke 6:14-16
Luke 6:13: “When morning came, He [Jesus] called His disciples to Him, and chose twelve of them, whom He also designated apostles.”
Trevor quickly embraced everything Jesse and his Dad taught, buying his own Bible with the money he earned. He and his Dad began attending worship services with Jesse and his parents. One day he was troubled. “Hey Jess! I was wondering”…scratching his head, he continued, “Following Jesus makes us disciples, right?”
“Yeah, Trev. That’s right. The original disciples were ordinary guys, like fishermen. Apparently, Jesus isn’t a snob!” Jesse chuckled while trimming the front lawn. He faced his friend. “Does this freak you out?”
“Yeah, a little. I’m a nobody. I don’t know much about God, and the Bible, and stuff. I don’t feel qualified to be a disciple of Jesus!” He swept grass off the sidewalk. “But it’s cool learning about Jesus.”
The apostle Peter, also called Simon, was an ordinary person, too. After Jesus called him to “follow Him”, Peter became extraordinary. By choosing to follow Jesus, Peter talked with, ate with, and touched the man Who is God’s Son (Matthew 4:20). Peter was alive when Jesus died to save all mankind (Matthew 27:50). Then he witnessed Jesus alive again! (Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 16:14-18).
Peter met the Lord while working beside his brother, Andrew (Matthew 4:18-20). He immediately became a passionate follower, who constantly demonstrated eagerness to be in the middle of everything. His impetuousness (im-PECHOO-ess-ness)—means acting without thought, impulsive behavior without considering consequences—often got him into hot water.
He walked on water, at Jesus’ invitation (Matthew 14:27-29), and almost sank!

He was ready to install shelters to stay on the mountain during Christ’s transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-4).
He was a quick study—especially when Jesus swiftly scolded him (Matthew 16:21-23). Do you know this story? Check it out for yourself.
Peter shouldered a huge responsibility, and showed us how to let go of personal desires. God uses ordinary people, like Jesse and Trevor, and you and me, to build His kingdom. When we love Jesus above all else, and fully commit to obeying Him, He will accomplish through us extraordinary things.
Jesus made Peter the rock on which He built His church—that lasts forever! (Matthew 16:15-19). He certainly did become a fisher of men!
Take Home Nugget
Jesse followed Trevor when putting the lawn implements away. “I’m learning more everyday, too, Trev. I may have begun learning about Jesus before you, but I still feel unqualified to be a disciple of Jesus!”
Jesus does not call the qualified, He qualifies whom He calls.
J.D. Griffith
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