Matthew 11:28-30
V. 29: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gently and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Jesse and Trevor raced to Trevor’s front door from the school bus. “I win!” Trevor cheered.
V. 29: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gently and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Jesse and Trevor raced to Trevor’s front door from the school bus. “I win!” Trevor cheered.
“No fair, you were first off the bus!” Jesse challenged.
Inside the house, a note from Trevor’s Dad read, “Son, pick up the living room and your bedroom. Vacuum the downstairs, and I’ll be home soon. Love, Dad.
“Not so bad, we can do this easy!” Jesse said. “But if we do more chores, we’ll get more pay.”
“Yeah. We can do homework after dinner” Trevor agreed.
“Before I forget, Mom said to invite your Dad to dinner, too.”
Jesse’s Mom had suggested that Jesse go home with Trevor to help out with the chores. (See devotion Bricked Backpacks).
When Jesus talks about taking His yoke upon you, we often misunderstand the meaning. The yoke is a metaphor of sharing the load—like how oxen are often yoked when lugging farm equipment while working the fields. Too hard for one ox; it’s easier for two to do the work.

What believers often misunderstand: we’re not to dump our worries on Jesus, then live carefree, but unchanged lives. This is how it works: We’re to bring our problem to the Lord and ask for His help, then let it go. Are we really supposed to forget our trouble, expecting a miracle?
Yes, because after giving our burden to Jesus, we’re not to worry about it, or take it back. It’s His now, and we’re to wait on Him. He may lead us to do something, or He may miraculously fix the problem. God is still in the miracle business!
No, because the point of a yoke is to walk together, side by side.
Christ’s invitation to share our burdens means accepting His yoke so that together, we emerge victorious. Jesus doesn’t just want your troubles, He wants you!
Accepting Jesus’ yoke is a sign of discipleship, an intimate link characterized by submission and obedience to Him.
Transformed, we don’t return to our old ways. Thoughts, responses, and beliefs change as we learn how to return Jesus’ love in gratitude. Trusting Him, believing His promises, and relying on His power shifts burdens from our shoulders and onto Jesus.
Transformed, we don’t return to our old ways. Thoughts, responses, and beliefs change as we learn how to return Jesus’ love in gratitude. Trusting Him, believing His promises, and relying on His power shifts burdens from our shoulders and onto Jesus.
Linking intimately with Jesus provides us relief and peace—regardless of any situation.
Take Home Nugget
Trevor’s Dad returned home to a clean house, and freshly mowed front yard. The boys pocketed spending money.
Yoking with Jesus frees us to serve Him joyfully on the way to victory.
J.D. Griffith
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