James 4:7-10
V. 10: “Humble yourselves before the lord, and He will lift you up.”
James 4:7-10
V. 10: “Humble yourselves before the lord, and He will lift you up.”
Red words are the Lord’s.
Let's compare credentials between the Lord and ourselves: He is the Creator; we’re the created. He provides everything that we need; we tell Him what we want. He forgives our sins; we try to be good.
(That sounds more like a contrast than a comparison.) Hold on! It’s scary giving God control over my life! I want to control my own life. And what if God wants me to do what I don’t want to do? Piercing thoughts encircle my heart. 

After my fear subsides, I reconsider: He is holy and sinless. He is infinite. He is wise beyond measure, He’s perfect in everything, and His perspective is eternal. Besides, He weaves all things together for my good. (Romans 8:28).
OK, You got me, Lord. I agree that You make a better master of my life than me, I concede the debate.
“Great! What control do you think you really have, anyway?”
Gulp... No fair! You’re God!
“Besides, when people are masters of their own lives, they remain enslaved to sin. My Spirit won’t tolerate sin.”
So, what’s Your plan, Lord?”
“I promise to cover your transgressions with My grace. But when you continue in sin, that’s disobedience.”
What’s the bottom line, Lord? My thoughts challenge the Almighty.
“Discard all My rivals,” the Lord cuts to the chase. “Make a deal with Me. I don’t usually do this, but I love you, and want your trust.”
WOW, You’d do this for me?
“I sent My one and only Son to die for you! You’re my beloved, and I can’t wait until you grow into the person I created you to be.”
Me, too. What’s next, Lord?
“All my rivals must be dethroned. I’m jealous, and won’t tolerate second-place in anyone’s life. But I will not force you to give up anything you won’t willingly surrender.”
Like what?
“For instance, how much does your new bike mean to you? Are you addicted to pills, alcohol, or smoking? Does your pride prevent you to humble yourself before Me?”
Oh, that.
“Yeah. What, or Who is first in your life?”
Take Home Nugget
No one is absolutely free. We obey, and are slaves to that which is first-place in our hearts. Most people hesitate to submit their will to the Lord. But when we seize that opportunity, we’ll soon discover true freedom (from enslavement) and pure peace—from the most amazing Master.
J.D. Griffith
Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
Naught of this world’s delusive dream;
I have renounced all sinful pleasure,
Jesus is mine; there’s nothing between.
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
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