Galatians 4:4-7
Vs. 7: “So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has also made you an heir.”
Vs. 7: “So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has also made you an heir.”
Father God loves each person He creates. Like every parent, He offers His children benefits. He answers their prayers. (Luke 18:7,8). He provides for their needs. (Matthew 6:31-33). He protects them. (Proverbs 18:10).
This amazing Father—the creator of the heavens and the earth; everything you see He created—wants to have a relationship with YOU!
The world is full of people who are desperate for intimate relationships, with the Father and a family.
The need for love, belonging to family, and sharing a common name is how we are wired. The very word adoption brings hope to orphans. How often do children who are naturally born into a family take a moment to pause kindly to those who have no family?
Adoption is not a dirty word. People who are surrounded by a natural family must reach out to those who are adopted with sensitivity and compassion.
After all, we who have accepted Jesus as our Savior are adopted into God’s family and are heirs to His Kingdom.
Now adoption no longer sounds like a dirty word, does it?
The authors of the New Testament embrace family tree words to include kinship to all peoples.

Jesus said in Matthew 12:50, “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Our new name is children of God (1 John 3:1). With this new name comes the special privilege of calling on the Father.
Are you ready to be a part of God’s family?
Take Home Nugget
In orphanages, few people are chosen to be adopted. Their hope dwindles each day that they are in the orphanage. But God offers all people the right to be called His child—part of His family. The process is simple, with no forms to fill out and no waiting period. Believing that Jesus died for your sins wins you adoption.
Can you see the Father’s grin, arms outstretched when He greets you, “Welcome to My family!”
Some kids are an only child,
Some kids fight for space in a crowd;
No matter what your natural family,
As heir and brother to Jesus—you’re wowed!
J.D. Griffith
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