Revelations 22:13
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
Revelations 22:13
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
Alpha is the “A” of the Greek alphabet, with Omega being the “Z”.
Jesus said that He is the Alpha and the Omega. How can He be the first AND the last?
He’s so much more. He’s also everything in between. He’s the continuum, the Laminin—that which holds all things together. (See 095 dev.)
How can we live in peace every day of our lives?
Lucy collected Christmas ornaments, full of memories. Delicate glass ornaments represented every year of her life—many she had chosen specifically for a special occasion. One year she

This would be the last time she would show off her prized possessions.
A late-season tornado ripped through her neighborhood the first week of December—right after she finished decorating for Christmas.
Houses were destroyed, people homeless, possessions strewn across the neighborhood.
Lucy’s tree was missing.
She huddled together with friends and neighbors, speaking in hushed horror. They found shelter in schools and churches. Food kitchens fed them. Salvageable items were retrieved and returned to the owners.
Ned found one of Lucy’s ornaments and held it out. “Oh, my glass-blown piano!” Lucy cried, clutching the ragged memory to her chest. “Thank you, Ned!” Then she broke down, sobbing.
Ned wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close. He said softly, “Lucy, we are fine. We will rebuild. We will get new stuff. We will start over, and soon things will be good again.”
Lucy whispered. “Of course you’re right. We are fine, and we will start over. What we lost was just ‘stuff’. Stuff can be replaced.”
Ned nodded and replied, “A verse from Ecclesiastes, in the Bible, comes to mind. In chapter 3, verse 3 says, ‘a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build.’”
“And further on it says, ‘a time to weep and a time to laugh.’ This is a time to laugh.” Lucy said.
Take Home Nugget
Lucy finally got it. God was before, inside, and after the tornado. He became her real live Alpha and Omega. How comforting to know He will be with us no matter what, no matter where. We CAN have peace every day of our lives.
We serve an awesome God who walks with us through every heartache, and tenderly deposits us into our safe landing.
J.D. Griffith
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