Isaiah 53:1-6
Vs. 2: …“He has no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.”
Isaiah 53:1-6
Vs. 2: …“He has no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.”
You certainly wouldn’t be the first one to wonder what Jesus looks like.
We wonder why one of His apostles didn’t make note in one Gospel what their Savior looked like—as they followed Him for three years? Wasn’t one person in the masses who hounded Him to speak gifted in art? Couldn’t someone have charcoaled a rough resemblance of His face somewhere? Even in a cave? We want to see the face of our King Jesus!
Everyone has a favorite picture of Jesus as depicted in various scenes. One, “Head of Christ”, simply shows an artist’s idea of what He might have looked like. Warner Sallman painted this in the 1940s. Other favorites include one with Jesus knocking on a door, a Shepherd with His sheep,

Clearly the Father doesn’t consider Jesus’ facial description vital to our adoration of Him. The only clear picture we have of Jesus is what Isaiah said hundreds of years before His birth. It seems, much to our frustration, that Jesus’ human form was deliberately kept vague. His face simply was never stressed, never called attention to. He simply looked like an ordinary man—whatever that means.
People weren’t drawn to Him because of His beauty, or an obvious muscle-sculpted body. It wasn’t His regal appearance that drew people to His knees. Jesus’ distinguishing features was what He said, what He did, and His message of love and other sermons and parables. (John 3:16-17).
He said the most peculiar things. He didn’t speak like ordinary men. Love your enemies? Whoever is last will be first (in His kingdom)? I did not come to be served, but to serve? Who talks like that?
But clearly, when a person meets Jesus, they never forget Him. Now that’s charisma! (kar*IS*ma means charm, magnetism). Their lives are never the same. That’s personality plus! Those who are His children, know His voice. They cannot be snatched away from Him.
Wise men still seek Him.
Take Home Nugget
We will see Jesus one day—the next time He comes to earth. (Luke 21:27). From that day forward, everything will be different. Our Savior will return as he Sovereign King of kings, and Lord of lords. Everyone on earth will recognize Him then. There will be no mistake. His face will either usher in terror or splendor in the hearts of people.
The more I see His glory,
The more I live His grace,
The more I long, unrestrained
To gaze upon His face.
J.D. Griffith
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