Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Growing Faith Part 9 of 16

GROWING FAITH Part 9 of 16
1Peter 1:6-10

Vs. 6,7: “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

Jeremy scowled at his leg held up in a sling at the foot of his hospital bed.

Although his screaming ankle had quieted down, the cast ran from the ball of his foot to midway up his leg.

“You’re going home today Jeremy” his favorite nurse, Ms Tidwell said. As she lowered his leg, she advised him, “always sit with your foot propped up on a footstool, or ottoman. It will throb if you put it down on the floor. Yours is a walking cast, and you must keep it elevated over the edge of the bathtub as you bathe. Do not immerse your cast in water, Jeremy.”

Jeremy licked his lips and nodded watching her blue eyes sparkle. “So if this is a walking cast, can I really walk?” Jeremy asked.

Ms Tidwell nodded and showed him crutches. “I’m going to fit these to you and teach you how to use them. Your Mom and Dad are coming to discharge you. Swing your legs down the side of the bed.”

Jeremy followed her orders. She pulled him to his feet and adjusted the crutches to fit into his armpits. “Do not lean on the crutches, which will make your shoulders sore. The idea is to use your arms to support your weight. These are not to be used to pendulum your legs; crutches are not toys. But you may place weight on the cast and walk as normally as possible. Extend the crutches before you take one step forward. One step at a time. Keep your eyes on Jesus and make this trial fun.” Ms Tidwell smiled at Jeremy as her eyes really twinkled--like they had an agreement.

She applauded as Jeremy walked to the door, turn around and back to the bedside. “Very good, you’re a natural! Now sit down in the chair” she said. When Jeremy was all set she lifted his casted right leg onto the footstool. Jeremy puffed. “Walking with crutches isn’t as easy as it looks, is it?” she said, giggling. “I’d better not see you race with these things!” she teased, wagging her finger at him.

Jeremy’s door opened as his parents filed inside. “All set honey?” his Mom asked through a smile.

Dad scooted a wheelchair up to Jeremy. “Sorry son, hospital policy. Mom is all set to spoil you rotten.” he said with a grin. “Michael is fixing up your room to make it easy for you to get around.” He waited until Jeremy was securely in the wheelchair and began pushing him to the car. “BR-R-R-R-R-I-N-G!”

Take Home Nugget
Throughout Jeremy’s trial, we will watch him benefit from unseen delights and grow in confidence. Can you share in his excitement of this new season that promises challenges and a reward? Will he persevere triumphantly to his reward?

My heavenly Father and King Jesus, please walk with me through the coming days and help me keep my eyes on You instead of my troubles. AMEN.

J.D. Griffith

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