Friday, September 26, 2008

Growing Faith Part 8 of 16

GROWING FAITH Part 8 of 16
1 Peter 12-19

Verses 12, 19: “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you…So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.”

Jeremy carefully followed the Coach’s drill, but something went horribly wrong. His cleat snagged the Astroturf, forcing Jeremy to the ground as the tackler piled on top.

As if a pencil cracked in two, Jeremy’s ankle snapped. He screamed and all action stopped. Coach Jiles ran up and dragged the boy off of Jeremy.

“Jeremy!” he yelled, wincing.

“My ankle!” Jeremy screamed, as he grabbed his ankle, tears streaming down his face.

“An ambulance arrived within minutes.

Surrounded by his family, as the doctor announced his diagnosis, Jeremy was silent.

“He’s in shock.” Doctor Dorsey said. “The ankle bone, being forced into an unnatural position, simply snapped. Worn Astroturf is the culprit. He will be in a cast for at least two months. Physical therapy can return his ankle to like new.”

Jeremy pounded the bedside table after hearing the news. “Why me?” he yelled. “This is the pits!”
Michael promised, “I will stay with you, Jeremy. You will get through this and be like new soon.”
“No! I was supposed to be promoted to first team soon, not recovering from a broken ankle!”

“This is not the end of the world, Jerm. I promise you something else: There will be a silver lining that comes from your broken ankle.”

“What silver lining?” Jeremy whined.

“I don’t know that now, but stay strong, brother. God is up to something.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Jeremy mumbled.
“You’ll do way better if you maintain a positive attitude. Remember when I broke my tibia?”

Jeremy sniffed and looked at his older brother. “Yeah. You were out the rest of the season.”

“When I was all better, Coach Jiles promoted me into a better position. That was the year we went to the State championship. Coach, like God, rewards him who stays firm.”


“Of course. I wouldn’t lie to you. Now is not the time to throw yourself a pity party.”

“I refused Scott’s steroid pill…I thought that was my trial…now this!”

“God is not punishing you. I tell you the truth; He’s up to something. It was good that you didn’t take the steroid, but your reward is coming up. You’ll see. Just obey the Doctor orders, do your schoolwork, and take it easy for awhile. Mom will spoil you like crazy.”

“Yeah, I remember how she made all your favorite foods and I had to do your chores.”

“Yes, and it was fun being spoiled at school, too. I met Tracey when she signed my cast.”

Take Home Nugget

Every believer’s faith will be put to the test. When trials confront us, wise believers respond by trusting God. He is up to something, and it’s for our good.

How delicious is that reward after a season of trials?

Enduring trials by standing firm grows and stretches a believer’s faith. Instead of whining, we can shift our attitude and reprioritize our hearts. God keeps his hand on us when we’re under stress.

J.D. Griffith

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