GROWING FAITH Part 4 of 16
James 1:1-8
James 1:1-8
Beginning at verse 6: “But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord: he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.”
Jeremy had a bad practice and just knew he’d not make the football team. He dropped the ball and placed last when running the length of the football field.

“Wassup?” Michael teased, when Jeremy came into the room.
“I’m never going to make the team.” Jeremy mumbled and threw himself face down onto the bed.
“Hang in there, Jerm.” Michael said. “There are lots of positions on the team, and coach knows you’re my brother.” After Jeremy didn’t look up, he continued, “Even if you aren’t the fastest kid, there are tons of positions where you can show your strength.
Wait till next week and keep your chin up until the names are posted.” Jeremy grumbled but didn’t raise his head. “THEN you can feel sorry for yourself.” Michael concluded and slammed his math book shut.
Regardless of circumstances, it's in our day-to-day lives where we’re to practice unswerving faith. James tells us that our faith cannot be like waves of the sea.
The water rushes in to the shore, then dashes back into the deep almost immediately. To and fro, to and fro. The surf is so predictable, the sound is as soothing as a lullaby.
Believers are to stand fast when trouble hits. Doubts cast a gray shadow on our minds when God wants His children to be joy-filled.
The reason we fail to trust God is that when what we see opposes what we want, we give up. Our visual evidence does not support our requested petition. Suddenly our request seems impossible. How can we believe that we’ll receive what we asked for when it appears unattainable? But our God specializes in the impossible. He’s Jehovah!
God is pleased when we stand firm and trust Him to provide for our needs. He is not pleased with doubters. Doubting children make it look like we don’t think God can do what He promises. How dare we accuse God of lying—that is not possible!
Take Home Nugget
Faith grows when we overcome doubt with action. We’re to turn a blind eye to circumstances and face Jesus who’s standing before us. Grabbing His hand will show Jesus that we trust Him amid the raging sea of doubt. Peace returns to our hearts and confidence soars in approaching a new day. Each day is a new beginning.
Daring to believe that God can do what He promised is a stand of faith. This pleases God. He can use your situation to provide delight in the midst of what seems impossible.
J.D. Griffith
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