GOD’S PROVISION Part 5 of 8 of Relationship with God
Luke 11:2-4
“Give us day by day our daily bread.”
Luke 11:2-4
“Give us day by day our daily bread.”
German theologian Helmut Thielicke studied this prayer and concluded, “the whole (scope) of life is captured in the rainbow of these requests.” He is right. “Great things and small things; spiritual things and material things; inward and outward things—there is nothing that is not included in this prayer.”
God understands our needs and can truly meet them. Jesus said that we are to pray to the Father about them. So after praying petitions for the eternal, we are to pray for which is temporal (mortal). So when Jesus said to pray about our daily bread, He wasn’t referring to just a trip to the grocery store. We cannot serve his kingdom and do His will unless we have strength to get through each day. 

It’s also proper to ask God for a job in order to have money for food. It’s also appropriate to appeal to God for clothes we need to work our job. It follows that it’s okay to ask God for transportation to get to our job. God knows each of our needs and is prepared to meet them all.
It is not too “earthly” to pray for common concerns such as food. When translated into English, Biblical scholars had a bewildering time with the word “daily”. After many years passed, an archaeologist dig unearthed a papyrus fragment. Next to a grocery list was a word scribbled that meant “enough for the coming day.”
Now we know Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread. This is the only place where this word is found in the Bible.
Of course, “bread” refers to all things that we must have in order to live.
When this prayer is said in the morning, this phrase represents the needs for the hours ahead. When prayed in the night, it is a request for the needs for the next day. The phrase “Give us day by day our daily bread” is for asking God to supply what we need to honor Him and do His will.
Take Home Nugget
In many modern cultures, refrigerators and freezers maintain food’s high-quality for a long time. Now we can store up abundant food for nourishment through many days. Many times we hardly acknowledge that the meal we eat, or the clothes we wear have come from the Father’s hand in provision of our needs.
Thank you father, for the food I eat.
Thank you Father, for the clothes I wear.
Providing for me is no easy feat.
Remind me for that which I need to care.
J.D Griffith
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