GOD’S PATERNITY AND PERSON Part 2 of 8 of Relationship with God
Luke 11:2-4
Luke 11:2-4
"And He said to them, 'When you pray, say, Father, Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Give us each day our daily bread, Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us, And lead us not into temptation.'"
As members of a family, we’re used to the familiar name for Dad. Are we jealous when someone other than family shares our Dad?
We often want to protect what is supposed to be ours, but we share our heavenly Father with others. He is every believer’s Father. Jesus made it clear that those who follow Him can address God as “Father.”
“Our Father which art in heaven” Jesus began when teaching prayer. With these words, Jesus gives us permission to approach the creator of the universe and call Him by name. This is for the entire Christian population. When Christians bow before God and call Him “Father”, they acknowledge that at the heart of the universe is ultimate power and ultimate love.
Jesus guarantees that we can enter a relationship with God and become members of His family. God is our Father. We are His children. This relationship of calling God “Father” is built solely on our relationship with Jesus Christ.
John 1:12 in the Bible says, “As many as received Him (Christ), to them he gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name”.

Although it is an awesome privilege to call the sovereign majesty of the universe “Father”, we must never take this for granted. Instead of anxiety, we’re to approach the Father in reverence and awe as we pray.
“Hallowed be Your name.” Hebrews thought a name had great significance. Hebrew parents often named their children after someone whose personality, characteristics, and disposition they hoped would personify their child.
When Jesus met Simon, he was impetuous, reckless, and brash. It took awhile for Simon to live up to the new name Jesus gave him. Peter means the rock. The Apostle Peter, as we know him, became the bedrock of the Christian church. (Matthew 16:18).
“Hallowed by Your name” refers to what we know about God. His personhood and His character is sanctified, (set apart), and made special. He is our God, and we set Him apart from all others, so that it is clear that we revere Him—and only Him.
Take Home Nugget
Oftentimes our prayers can be dangerous, revealing an inadequate distortion of who God is. We have a command to be holy--as God is holy. We must allow God to be God in all aspects of our lives—personal, recreation, family—and to understand that God has set us apart.
Oftentimes our prayers can be dangerous, revealing an inadequate distortion of who God is. We have a command to be holy--as God is holy. We must allow God to be God in all aspects of our lives—personal, recreation, family—and to understand that God has set us apart.
Is there something in your life that you’re not ready to let God mold and set apart for His purpose?
There is only one God, and He is holy.
He seeks a relationship with His children.
We belong to Him because He made us.
What an honor to be chosen and set apart for Him!
J.D. Griffith
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