GOD’S PARDON Part 6 of 8 of Relationship with God
Luke 11:2-4
Luke 11:2-4
“Forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us.”
In his book, The Challenge of Our Culture, William Horton says, “Modern man is certainly worried about something—worried to death. And an analysis of behavior shows him so feverously trying to avoid looking God in the eye that it must have something to do with the fear of how he must look standing before God in that position.”
After we ask God for provision, we seek His pardon. “Forgive” follows “give.”
Jesus links these two petitions, and adds our forgiving anyone who is indebted to us. As we think of our need for food and everything else, we also confront our need for forgiveness. Then we think about our relationship to others. Is it easy to forgive others’ offenses against us?

Harboring an unforgiving spirit is actually proclaiming to God, don’t forgive me!
We ask forgiveness as we forgive others. We cannot have one without the other. There is no option to forgiving others. We MUST forgive!
Our eyes see one scale—with our sins piled on as being light, other’s sin as heavy.
How does that happen? Do we enlarge another’s sin against us because our pride is hurt?
Jesus prayer means this: Deal with me as I have dealt with others. If we are honest, we’ll have to admit that our neighbor’s offense is light compared to ours. How dare we not forgive the ones who slight us! Think about the ways you’ve slighted Christ.
Then it dawns on us. We swallow hard and sheepishly murmur: “Deal with me, Lord, as I have dealt with them.” Forgiving others becomes do-able when the tables are turned against us.
In the relationship with our Father, we are part of a forgiveness fellowship. Do you see the circle? Can you keep the circle unbroken? Those who live in God’s pardon find it easier to forgive others. Is this the secret to not being afraid (to death) when facing God face to face?
We are never closer to God’s grace than when we admit our sin and cry out for pardon. We are never more like God than when, for Christ’s sake, we forgive others. How close are you to being more like Jesus today?
Take Home Nugget
Forgive and forget may not be God’s command. But it IS His way. After we repent, He separates our sin from Himself as far as the East is from the West. He remembers it no more.
The offense fades AFTER we forgive. That’s God’s grace. We’re to forgive fully and freely. Won’t you embrace that freedom after you forgive and then LET IT GO?
I think I’m always right.
Why can’t she see that?
I admit her offense against me is slight.
Am I acting like a brat?
J.D Griffith
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