Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-12, Luke 9:28-36
Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-12, Luke 9:28-36
Jesus took Peter, James, and John with Him high up on a mountain to pray. While there, Jesus was transfigured before their eyes.

What does this mean?
After praying, Jesus’ face shone like the sun. “What’s happening, Lord?” they may have exclaimed. Jesus’ clothes dazzled white, like snow. They may have backed off slightly—not believing their eyes. Then suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared.
“Wow!” We can almost hear them cry out.
We wouldn’t be frightened seeing dead people if Jesus were in our midst. He’s our living God! He has all things in control. Peter wanted to build three shelters so they could all stay awhile. Peter’s nervous energy made him want to DO SOMETHING.
Then a bright cloud enveloped them. Out from the cloud a voice emerged, saying clearly, “This is My Son, whom I love; with whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him!”

Hearing the Father’s voice, the disciples found themselves face down on the ground. I suppose this is a typical reaction when in the presence of Almighty God.
Has anything startled you to this much that you found yourself face down on the ground? Me neither. But then, I’ve never been face to face with the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
Jesus’ transfiguration was His whole body—skin and clothes—changing from normal to brilliant white. The disciples observed what is impossible—to human eyes. I suppose each of them were transformed—just witnessing the event. Speechless, their brains scrambled trying to make sense of what they’d just witnessed—sight and sound.
Why did Moses and Elijah appear in this private party with Jesus? They knew what lay ahead: Jesus’ torture—physical and emotional duress, humiliation, and certain death in the most horrifying way imaginable—cried out to the Father. Elijah and Moses were physical manifestations of the promise of life after death.
Jesus would live after His dreadful demise. He never doubted that, but how would He teach His disciples? How would He get them to grasp that promise? This event begs to transform us. From sinful children to believing followers of Christ.

Jesus willingly went to this dreadful death so that we could have eternal life! His transfiguration inspires our transformation, not conformation to the world. (Romans 12:2). 

What does the bell mean? The butterflies?
Take Home Nugget
Jesus instructed His disciples to keep silent about what they’d just seen until He is raised from the dead. How hard is it for you to not talk about a wondrous event? Can you keep silent today about Jesus being alive?
Jesus instructed His disciples to keep silent about what they’d just seen until He is raised from the dead. How hard is it for you to not talk about a wondrous event? Can you keep silent today about Jesus being alive?
Things arise where I am gripped with fear,
And the world spins too fast.
Keeping my eyes on Jesus keeps things clear
Sure that life’s problems won’t last.
And the world spins too fast.
Keeping my eyes on Jesus keeps things clear
Sure that life’s problems won’t last.
Dedicated to M.A. Matz, by J.D. Griffith
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