Psalm 32:1
Psalm 32:1
"Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered."
One night, a girl was saying her nightly prayers with her mother kneeling down beside her. Suddenly, she said, “Mom, please leave me alone. I want to pray by myself.”
As her Mom tucked the little girl in bed she asked, “Is there anything you’d like to say to me?”
The girl smiled sheepishly before responding, “No.” As her mother snuggled the blanket under her chin, the girl said, “You’d just scold me. God will forgive me and forget about it.”
Did you hear what she said?
She’s absolutely right!
We should never get the idea in our heads that God takes our sins lightly. But when we acknowledge our guilt before the Lord and sincerely repent, we know that God forgives us.

Many people take a shower before bedtime; others shower when they
get up in the morning. Taking a shower is a great metaphor for washing
away sins, don’t you think? (A metaphor is something that symbolizes
something else.)
Washing away daily grime is also done when taking a bath. That way, the grime, (or sins) are sucked down the drain. If you use bubble bath when bathing, it’s easy to think of the bubbles as making you bright and clean after scrubbing away your sins.

Just like St. John says in the Bible, in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
What a great way to get a peaceful sleep after being totally forgiven of all sins committed throughout the day! Ever have trouble getting to sleep? Sometimes your conscience just won’t shut up. You know things are not right. The best thing to do when realizing this is to repent right away. Then, by asking Jesus to adjust your wants to fit with His Will replaces your unrest with peace. Immediately. Now those bubbles clean clear through!
The Bible says that “we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:14.) That little girl understood this—one of the greatest salvation benefits of all!
Take Home Nugget
The apostle Paul says that salvation provides added benefits. Romans 3:24 says that we are justified by faith and are at peace with God (5:1).
Take Home Nugget
The apostle Paul says that salvation provides added benefits. Romans 3:24 says that we are justified by faith and are at peace with God (5:1).
This means we are tucked into God’s family as surely as we’re tucked into bed. Forever. May your sleep always be peaceful after washing away your sins.
Kids often have a full day of grime
Layered on skin’s top clear through.
Being dirty is not a crime.
Jesus Christ makes all things new!
Layered on skin’s top clear through.
Being dirty is not a crime.
Jesus Christ makes all things new!
Dedicated to F.D. Dorse and all mothers who cleanse kids.
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